please empty your brain below

I am sure there are many corners of the internet where this kind of rubbish still goes on.

And what brought on this bout of nostalgia?

Ah the good old days !

Haven't got a clue what you are on about, but then I'm only 71 years old.

For some of us it never went away.

VOIP conference calls are exactly like this - they haven't disappeared.

I ended up repeating a year of uni when I discovered IRC back in 1989. As a spotty herbert tucked all the way down in Oz, finding fellow herberts to chat with in Europe was quite a novelty. Too bad it meant I was up all night and subsequently missing my morning lectures.

I remember when messaging on the web was through IRC chat rooms, rather than through MSN Messenger. I have to say it all looks rather old-fashioned now, doesn't it?

Oh, I remember IRC - used it at Uni... none of this fancy forum or chatroom stuff then!

DG, (off-topic, sorry!) I remember you complaining about how the East London line bus service is shown on the tube map; it's changed yet again if you're interested, this is hot off the press...
(see the last page)

ahhhh . . . . . . I remember them well

Had to switch from my very first ISP because they could only handle wwww sites as text. They assured me that they were working on the graphics though

Gordo walks across the floor and spits.

I still use IRC occasionally, fun and games as ever.

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