please empty your brain below

Did you always leave your school homework until the last minute too?

And I-Spy a less/fewer 'typo'

I think a lot of us put off doing the important things till later. I know I do.

I'm at least 50\\% in the Douglas Adams "I love deadlines and the whooshing sound they make as they go past" brigade.

My friends and I have actually found a way to rationalise the 'five minutes before' syndrome when it comes to undergraduate essays. "Well, sure, we could write them a bit earlier," we say, "but then we wouldn't have devoted as much time to thinking about them..."

Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid completely.

Displacement activities
1: Filling the washing machine.
2: Running a complete backup of my laptop.
3: Tidying away my recyclables.
4: Making a cup of tea.

I can never do anything until I "have to". Its not that I'm not preparing, its just that I need the push to complete. Works well, except when I was at university, and it gets to midnight before the deadline, and I realise I've collected books / journal articles for what I believed the question to be, not what it actually is!

Since I retired, I just do what I find intresting at the time.

Displacement activities
5: Emptying the washing machine.
6: Wishing I hadn't started backing up my laptop because the program's now been running for 18 hours non-stop.
7: Staring at the important task in hand.
8: Refilling the washing machine.
9: Making a cup of tea.

And presumably doing some ironing, as well, as something to fill the time while the PC is taking so long to finish backing up.
(Punctuated by periodic checks on the PC to see if it's time yet to insert a fresh disc)

Hmmm. I'm still trying to work out if I'm surprised or *not* surprised to learn (assuming it's true) that each instalment of the blog is written 'on the day'

so, by writing this post you met a deadline. a goal met, yes?

Displacement activities
10: Emptying the washing machine.
11: Returning to the part of the task I did last weekend and redoing half of it.
12: Making toast.

I have a deadline to meet today. But I wrote this instead - you mean, you wrote this as well. For you will make that deadline. Won't you?

And then there's the ironing, folding things and putting them away in their proper place. Never, never leave that until later!

Ironing after washing? Never! I always leave ironing my daily shirt until the deadline's imminent... ten minutes before I go to work.

Progress towards deadline: 25\\% complete.

Displacement activities
13: Looking out of the window and wondering whether life might be more fun outside.
14: Making another cup of tea.
15: Writing a list of displacement activities.

Lovely post. Though you forgot "go and buy chocolate" and "eat chocolate" from the displacement list...

Procrastinators of the world unite!!!!................

RogerW's parenthetic "assuming it's true" is what we should all bear in mind at all times when reading this blog

Progress towards deadline: 40\\% complete.

Displacement activities
16: On phone to parents.
17: Sticking some chicken in the oven.
18: Not looking out of the window any more because it's dark.

I'm sorely tempted to phone you just to make you waste more time. But I don't wish to add to your excuses for going to bed at 3am.

As it's Sunday, I presume your deadline today is to write tomorrow's entry so you can post it when you get up in the morning.

Oh, I hate mornings...

Less/fewer might be an error, but barring an extraordinary coincidence, it's unlikely to be a typographical one. (Yes, I know that was ages ago but I've been out all day)

Actually, a mental picture is beginning to form.
For all I know it might account for some of dg's apparent preoccupation with underground stations.
Erm... it's an image of a white rabbit

Progress towards deadline: 60\\% complete.

Displacement activities:
15: Eating an apple.
16: Looking wistfully at the TV as it records the final episode of my favourite TV programme, which I'd far rather be watching.
17: Taking a break from my big deadline to meet tomorrow's other deadline, which is to write a post for the blog. A bit irresponsible, obviously, but it's got to be done.

Displacement activities:
18: Tomorrow's blogpost now written. I seem to have written 700 words in just over an hour. Why can't I write this quickly normally?

Progress towards deadline: 75\\% complete.

Displacement activities:
19: Making a cup of tea to help keep me awake into the small hours.

Displacement activities:
Clicking over to DG to see how he's getting on.

100\\% complete. Deadline met.

I can't believe how long that took, even once I displaced all my displacement activities.
Sheesh, I hope that was worth it.

Now to set the alarm for half past six...

I had one to meet for Saturday. So I worked late on Friday. And lost my temper with a friend. Oops.

I always feel it's important to get the distractions out of the way before you start the task. Maybe that's why it's 10minutes to home time, and I haven't started working yet...

Favourite displacement activity: Rereading D.G's blogs for the last month in case I missed something, 2nd fav: sorting out my sock drawer, pairing them up and arranging in colour sequence, I wear different colour/style/weight socks every day rain or shine, and have about 50 pairs. I remember swotting for my O'levels at midnight, trying to cram in 3 years knowledge in 1 hr. There was no ongoing assignments in those days, so the exam was your only chance!

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