please empty your brain below

Come on ... own up. Hands up if you clicke on that last link? (Like i did)

Haha - thanks Geofftech, I might have missed that!

First link I clicked. Tricked. Again. Had dropped my guard because it wasn't the annointed day for dodgy links and general DG foolery.

I have to admit I was taken in too; worse, I even got excited about the link before I clicked on it!

yes, good link DG. but what about Charles Dickens' kittens?

Yep - I was completely taken in.

This usually means that he'll be writing up the clickthrough statistics and gloating about them tomorrow.

I'm sure you meant "wheedled" not "weaned" para 4. But then, others seem to think you are boosting stats by "unfair" means.
Sigh. (opinion kept to self).

dg writes: "wheedled" is exactly what I meant, but didn't say, thanks.

Always thought that 'what the dickens' had something to do with Charles - but apparently it is a quote from Shakespeare - Merry Wives of Windsor. The man obviously had great foresight.

Gutted that I'll probably miss the Museum of London exhibition, and equally gutted that the last link wasn't real!

Come on all of you. Stop the commenting and make up a Dickins tube map tonight in your spare time...

If you're interested, about 20% of today's readers have clicked on the 'tube map' link.

of course part of the underground system did exist in CD's lifetime so you could draw a map of it, but it wouldn't be a TUBE map as the deep lines weren't there then, only the cut and cover lines.

Only 20%, that's outrageous. I thought most of DG readers would leap on an Underground-related link! (and yes, I did click....)

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