please empty your brain below

Thanks for this - one of the things I really value about your blog. I didn’t know about the viewing platform, and will get along there at the first opportunity. I went to the Fitzrovia Chapel during Open House a few years ago, and agree with you that it’s wonderful. Keep up the good work!
Excellent stuff, as always.
The Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth in St John's Wood (nice of it to have a female saint as it is an Order of Malta hospital and St John is the patron saint) also has a chapel open to all through the hospital. In addition it has the particularity of having been moved lock, stock and barrel and rebuilt from across London. Not as glitzy but interesting if you collect views of hospital chapels.
I've just Googled the first location (by its former name) to check it was the same place I was able to visit, in 2012, when it played host to an exhibition by an artist going by the name of Mr Brainwash.
The building was already an empty shell, and I believe this was one of its last uses prior to demolition.
A chance find was this Urban Exploration page, which includes some views not unlike yours.
The Chapel has been on my longlist for a good while, but never been close to there at the right time on a Wednesday.
I suspect The Post Building is going to be a lot less quiet now that it's existence and accessibility has been highlighted by so many.
I love how we ended up at 5 of the same places as part of this year's Open House. Perhaps our paths crossed.

The view from The Post Building manages to be high enough to be interesting and unusual, but also low enough to see things a bit more clearly. Definitely worth a visit. Sadly the security person needed some lessons on customer service when I went as she was quite rude to the people in front of me who she thought were being difficult but had actually just been misunderstood.
I would suggest that the chapel in the Hospital of St.s John& Elizabeth isn't worth a special trip but would make a brief add on to other visits in the area (it's between the tube and Abbey Road crossing, or as a tour of local churches, e.g. St. Marks on Hamilton Terrace, St. John's Wood Church)
The receptionist at The Post Building was polite and lovely, at least on my visit (so I guess our paths didn't cross there, Anders).
Personally, I was beginning to suspect that M@ was really Best Mate. You both seem to find the same things around the same time. You usually find them first. Maybe he's just a reader of your blog.
Fitzrovia Chapel is in Pearson Square in Fitzroy Place. Fitzroy Square is 3 mins' walk away.

dg writes: At least I got it right once. Fixed, thanks.

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