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Fantastic, I've never seen the photos before, I really enjoyed looking back until I got to the first in the series.

Seeing the trees and the sunny road made me feel like I had just watched someone tear up loads of memories of sweet memories. Maybe it's the dramatic change of use, where history normally makes slow changes something like this is a massive turnaround.

Don't get me wrong, bring on the Olympics and all its economic and cultural joy, also the Lea Valley could do with a spruce up in places.

Just odd to see Shiva at work!

It's amazing to think that just a couple of years ago (if that), this area was the home of many of London's carefully tended allotments and family-run factories. It's changed so quickly.

Hopefully it'll all be worth it come 2012!

Fascinating! Bring on the over-inflated hotel/drink/restaurant prices, over crowding and pollution then!

I hope someone, somewhere, is doing a time-lapse video on the site from 2005 to 2012 - and beyond (the plans for the legacy park look lovely, but then, they would, wouldn't they?)

Hi - great photos! I have a blog over at which is based on a conference that will be discussing the legacy of 2012. Eventually it will have links to presentations from the event and will host discussions around the content of the event. Feel free to post up on there and link back to any more posts you have about 2012.

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