please empty your brain below

Delta owns 49% of Virgin Atlantic, which is probably a big economic incentive for them to be colocated.
TW15 was for many years my postcode ... but outside the London bit.
Didn't you once venture into the Biodiversity site and blog about it, or was that some other scrap of land between the end of the runway and M25?

dg writes: yes
The aviation fuel pipeline is a lot more environmentally friendly than the alternative, which is transporting fuel by vast numbers of train or lorries.
There is another MOT Garage with the fish symbol not far from the one you saw it is on the Staines Road in Feltham.
More floating street signs please!
Ha! Yes took me a solid 30 seconds to figure out what exactly was going on with that floating street sign! I need new glasses.
Spout Lane also featured in a couple of the rather dodgy looking off-airport long term car parking offers.
This was in the days when some cheap tourist flight used Heathrow. They all seem to have gone to other airports now, leaving Heathrow to business travellers and Kenyan sugarsnaps.
If anywhere comes under the heading "liminal space", this would be it. And the name "Spout Lane Lagoon" is certainly one to conjur with.

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