please empty your brain below

A very thoughtful and touching tale which, no doubt, many share.

We wondered if it was the time of year only that sparked this, or whether DG himself, had recently purchased a kettle and tray to send a loved one to campus?

Either way, this was an excellent "diversion" from Londoninium.

Robot love

Honey and Dick

Re the liquids - don't forget that the beer was (presumably) charged to battels which you only had to pay at the beginning of the following term.

I went to St Catherines College. Just for i night. My friend was there studying what I assumed to be Applied Partying,. But because of that very brief visit I cheer on Oxford in the Boat Race and the Varsity Rugby. I had another friend who went to Cambridge, but he didn't invite me to visit. B'stard!

A fantastic blog post explaining the realities of heading off to Uni for the first time. I remember my start (only 8 years ago) in a similar way.

I started 15 years ago last weekend, and my experience was practically identical (except I'd already left home, and was dropped off by my boyfriend). I get to do the nostalgia thing a lot more often though, as I was at uni in central London (UCL), and so reminders of my uni days are all around me, not least because one of the first people I met that week is still my closest friend now.

Rings a lot of bells here, too - 15 years ago this month for me, leaving London (temporarily, as it turned out) for St Andrews. (So, extraordinary ceilidhs, rather than new wave discos, then): and, for the first time, the sheer delight of living by the sea.

Great blog post - I remember arriving at my Uni, finding my room, and my mum swiftly making up my bed so it looked more homely, bless her. I also had people from school that came to find me (who I never saw again) and the main thing I remember about our massive halls of residence was that it appeared each room was devoid of a television until you opened the wardrobe or a cupboard, and it turned out everyone was just devoid of a license instead. Happy days!

Very touching...great blog post.Darn it brought up some nice memories...

Is this a repost (bar the last paragraph) of a blog post from exactly five years ago, which is coincidentally the same day I started (at the same place)? Great memories.

dg writes: The phrase is 'revised repeat'.

But what did you read, DG?

I remember heading off to uni for the first time, though it was a bit more recent than when you went. It's difficult, but you'll soon get used to it. I was having a whale of a time before long, benefiting from cheap beer and bus fares.

You also mention the BBC Micro: I remember using them in school. They were great computers, and benefited from the fact that they hardly ever crashed, making them extremely reliable (and robust) machines. I remember once messing around on one making my own elementary BASIC programs - ah, those were the days...

Great post, by the way.

Great post DG. I still vividly remember my first day at Uni 23 years ago.

I have many similar and happy memories like yours.

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