please empty your brain below

C'mon Dg,
I have been reading your blog for 6 years!
Please tell me what the mystery count is and put as all out of our misery!!

Mick in Lismore (Australia)

Aha! Mystery Event! Not mystery thing ;)

I think the mystery count is the number of times the mystery count increases by 1.

I'm going with "drives a car" as the mystery count

On the odd occasions I'm in London I sometimes have the urge to walk up the escalators as a bit of exercise. Unfortunately I always seem to pick the longest ones to walk up and I am knackered by half way. The trouble is that the right hand side always seems to be packed and there is no easy way to slip in unnoticed so my male pride forces me to carry on up. In fact some escalators I have attempted to walk up seem so long that I end up conviced that I have some how been transported into one of those M.C. Escher paintings with the never ending staircase.

DG, why was the escalator count so high in 2003 and 4 compared to other years? My guess would be you changed jobs between March 04 and Feb 05?

dg writes: for explanation, see Feb 2005.

Pleased to read that you continue to walk up the escalators, which I also do.
The only trouble I find with exercising on the tube in this way is that the air is very dusty and fairly foul in some sections, and a fast trot up an escalator sometimes needs a bit more puff!, and I wonder what particles are getting into my lungs.
The only time I stand on the escalator is if I am carrying a heavy bag, or if my black shoes need a polish, then I rub them, whilst I am moving, against those black brush things that protrude from the sides of the escalator. Give a nice shoe clean up they do.
Something I have noticed when walking up is that people are getting fatter and even when they are standing on the right they somehow seem to manage to fill both sides.

Blogging is still a dead art - i.e. anyone starting a *new* blog nowadays won't get the sort of traffic that you do, because you were here early and are now well established.

So the blogs that exists and do well now may do even better as people realise that quality is better than quantity. Yours now, is the only blog i read, and I feel like i HAVE to read it.

i bet all the blogging on the Olympics you do as well accounts for some of the increased numbers/hits, nice and pertinent and will continue to be so for another year!


"Had I been counting during January that would have been a completely different matter"...

You big tease!

Goodness, I’ve been waiting for years to hear what the Mystery Count is, and still you won’t tell us what it is? I’m going to guess it’s the number of sugars you’ve had in your tea over the past month.

Maybe I should go through January’s posts to find out what the Mystery Count is. On the other hand, if I found out, that would spoil the fun of not knowing!

Perhaps the mystery count/event is never in February because February has less days. Maybe the mystery event happens on the 30 or 31st of the month therefore cannot happen in February.

Do you ever give or get a kiss DG? - They're more or less guaranteed in January but not in any other month apart from March.

I think the mystery count is the number of times the mystery count increases by 1.

Warning! This comment may contain traces of kittens!

I couldn't get to my computer yesterday and was fretting the Mystery Count would be revealed. But alas no.. and the mystery thickens to a 2 day old peasoup by the reference to January's activity.

I would say you are treating us mean (on the Count) to keep us keen. But I don't think your brain (or the brain as represented on the blog) works like that somehow.

To next year then.......

Yes, nothing wrong with comments about kittens. I still remember fondly the April 1 post when it turned into a kitten blog.

Your workplace banned kettle-usage one year?? - bloody hell! And I thought my previous workplace was bad for making it virtually impossible to have any kind of social life.

Killing two birds with one stone - I take it the mystery event has nothing to do with these much-maligned kittens?

"I am, it seems, a four-and-a-half cups a day man. Milk, no sugar"

So you're drinking tea the proper way, but how do you drink a half a cup of tea? I think that goes against my religion!

hahahaha, I think that man thought that it's a strong tea, without sugar, but why, what the need of taking such a type of tea????

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