please empty your brain below

First! Should this post be flagged with an I and an S at the end?

He will forever be Spi-derman for me now (with a major emphais on the "der").

Thanks DG.

Isn't it simply because the original comics had him hyphenated?

Ah, so it is.

But hyphenated with a capital letter
which somehow looks rather better.

It wasn't very good. Which for those of us working for a cinema is bad.

I've been just looking, and all the cinema chains seem to have Spider-Man (with capital) on their websites. Why did you think it was without?

Funny old things, hyphens. Sometimes they're essential ('twenty-odd comments today') but their use is often variable and unpredictable.

You raise an interesting point about how things only happen to a few people. Have you seen how big the universe is these days? And yet how many times do the same characters or space ships come across each other? This should never ever ever happen.

I don't do hyphens.

Can't watch spi-derman - any of them.... that Toby Macguire makes me heave.

Saw him on Jonathan Ross the other week, a soggy piece of bread would have more charisma than he... ho hum

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