please empty your brain below

And waking up not knowing the other person's name never goes down very well.

Wise words, these should be distributed to every teenager.

26) Never do it with something with four legs

"The position ridiculous, the pleasure momentary and the expense damnable."

I think it was a Lord Halifax in centuries gone by that said that but cannot be sure.

"The position ridiculous..." is attributed to Lord Chesterfield, although unsourced. I once saw the line, "And one runs the risk that one might crease one's trousers" added to the end of the quote, but sadly, he isn't on record for saying that...

I see Scaryduck is posting along similar lines today - must be something in the water?

26) Never do it with something with four legs

Oh. Thats my fantasy about twin sisters gone then.

About this whole funeral thing...

"25 things I've learnt about sex over the last quarter century"

So, just the one thing a year then?

Am I the only one who doesn't go around looking at every situation/person/object as a possible shag? I'm pretty certain I didn't do it as a teenager even...

@ Pedantic
Ummm... I think the 'four legs' bit was actually a reference to items of furniture, such as tables or chairs.
Sisters are probably OK
(particularly in Wales)

Remember, the other person's supposed to enjoy the experience at least as much as you are

That's not universalisable, I think.

@RogerW - in Wales, that might be 8 legs...

Am I the only one thinking DG just pulled? Yes? I'll get me coat...

Do we need to rush out and buy hats?

Stop trying to steal my readers!!!

Just as likely sunstroke, Disgruntled.

Apparently, according to an article in the Evening Standard today, all 'Londoners' are talking about sex.

Is that all talk no action, then?

Guess who got some lately?

Honestly, I don't know why some people are so prudish at funerals.

Some random woman stopped me in the street today and started telling me a joke. It had all the ingredients of a good joke: Deafness,teenage sex, tears and suffering; but I didn't understand the punchline. Something
about £2 a month?

Here you are, you can almost double (there are more than 10 pieces of info, before you query my maths)your knowledge in 17mins:

What is a sheep tied to a lamp post in Cardiff? A leisure centre.

I am wondering if your Mum and Dad read this...

Do they read it? Heavens, yes.

Imagine what I might've written if they didn't.

This seems to ring a bell from when I was perusing the archives a little while back!
Maybe all will be revealed tomorrow!

"Remember, the other person's supposed to enjoy the experience at least as much as you are"

Yep, your partner should always come first.

I'm so with you on the funerals issue. ("Yes, let's commemorate the passing of our Loved One by making ourselves look totally hot and do-able!") It's one of life's crueller jokes.

I think the inverse of 15 was the pitch for a certain popular C4 drama series...

Blimey DG... very interesting and all that but what brought this on?
Do tell...!

Too true, DG.


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