please empty your brain below

Warning has come too late. I stood out in the garden for some twenty minutes last night trying to get some nice pictures of the public fireworks display about a mile away.
Interesting images were captured, might just be useful as a starting point for some paintings...

I've always wondered why so many people prefer to see all sorts of interesting stuff through a camera viewfinder rather than their own eyes, so that they end up not seeing it themselves at all. It's especially pointless with fireworks, I think, since a large part of their charm is their transience.

Much better to the be the non-photographing half of a couple (sorry DG!) - he takes the pics, I take the memories, but I get to keep copies of the pics as well ...

What about sparklers? Surely they're another matter entirely.

far be it from me .....

And Alyx, a camera \\_can\\_ make you see better and for a longer time.

I love the french name - "Feux d'artifice"

Much like most Landscape photography. Uninspiring.

Crikey! Would you really spend 100 quid on fireworks? I get by on 20. Is the other 80 the booze and nibbles for guests?

I disagree, Diamond. There are always good photos to take. The trick is not to focus on the display itself, but the people watching it.

Here's a couple I took last year:

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