please empty your brain below

I quite enjoyed that post
Long time readers will suspect that you absolutely definitely will.
Not tedious.. QI
Obviously I can’t speak for ‘us lot’ collectively but for me personally it’s the opposite of tedious: I’m really enjoying this series and am very much looking forward to the rest of it.
Little Stream Close: "Fortunately for the binmen all the houses are at the Hertfordshire end" - the photo suggests otherwise
All the houses are at the Hertfordshire end, whatever you think the photo suggests.
Fascinating stuff.

Good luck in completing your this-is-not-really-going-to-be-a-project project
Little Stream Close... I see no Low Emission zone cameras - can residents escape along Eastbury Avenue back to Hertfordshire in their posh but non-compliant diesels without being snapped?
For someone not making a habit of this, you seem to have acquired a new habit. This is very much not a complaint though.
Best not consult a photo for ULEZ answers, try a map.

(escape is easy)
DG doth protest too much, methinks.

Do carry on.
I'm enjoying this series.
It's good to see the hinterlands of London and the paths out of it.

On average, is the grass greener outside London?
🎵 🎶...and the crowd called out for more ...🎶🎵
This is just a variation of your "nice walk" posts. And just as enjoyable, with the same frequency. But I understand why you don't want to commit to completing all of them.

If you tick off a few exits not remarkable enough for a full post then I would suggest that as a candidate for your monthly "unblogged" posts.

TBH if you were ever going to do more YouTube, the "Nice walks"/"London Exits" would be welcomed. Natural audio, subtitles/map overlay, no voiceover. Lovely. But a lot of extra work.

I think there would be interest too in an ever growing custom google map with pictures for both series.
Another vote for this wonderful series. Going to places you would not usually go or going to a familiar place for a very different reason than the usual one often proves to be the most memorable travel experience.

I drive a musician friend to her shows for precisely that reason. Get to see places I would normally have no reason to go to. Or see a completely different side of places I have knows for decades as I kill time by looking around the neighborhood.

If you have a musician friend who plays daytime or evening shows (not nighttime) I would definitely recommend volunteering to drive them. A great way to see a whole different side of where you live.
Amazed the Prince of Wales is still going and still has exotic dancers... I used to drive past there on my way to work around 1999, and it looked on it's last legs then
London peripherality is, of course, an endlessly-fascinating topic, so I look forward to the habit continuing.
I repeat that I am absolutely definitely not trying to tick off every single crossing of the Greater London boundary because there are far too many of them and they're not always well defined. Take some time to scrutinise a proper map and you should see the impracticality of the task.

I will no doubt go back and tick off several more uncrossed crossings but I won't be doing them all nor writing them all up, despite a few overenthusiastic urgings.

Indeed if I hadn't written the last somewhat provocative sentence this post would have got hardly any comments, mostly from people wrongly interpreting photos.
King of snark.

I remain of the view that the photo shows houses on the London side of your indicative boundary line.
The photo shows a road junction (hence the streetsign on the lamppost on the left). The cul-de-sac in question heads off into the leafy distance. The houses you can see are on the main street, Eastbury Avenue. You can't see the houses on Little Stream Close because they're round a gentle bend in Hertfordshire.

The post includes a link to a map in case that helps.
Thoroughly enjoyed this excursion to some of my nearest boundary crossings.
I'm not sure Margot Leadbetter would have been happy about being placed on the Hillingdon side of it though!
Perhaps proving a point, fewer people visited the blog yesterday than on any other day this year.
Love all the coal tax posts, and (in principle, but perhaps not this one) long stretches of urban footpath, whether on a boundary or not. One such, Fairfield Path in Croydon, was very useful and familiar in my youth, definitely on desire lines.

Frank F: I suggest double checking your ground (in this case, easily done on a map) before challenging DG, whose responses to you are not as snarky as mine would have been...
I had my stag do at The Prince of Wales...many years before the exotic dancers took up residence.
I didn't know what a Coal Tax Post was. Looked it up and it seems there are c.210 of them around London's outskirts. That could be another little project. If not done before, of course.

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