please empty your brain below

Enjoyable post today DG,about my neighbourhood. I'm only a five minute walk from Kelsey Park. If I had known you were passing I'd have put the kettle on. Bet you could have done with a cuppa,now you're old!!😄😄
re: KFC

"local residents are livid" Indeed (some) are. But what say others? Is this another case of those who have the tools and the loudest voices are the only ones we hear from? Is the issue just that it a KFC instead of say something bit more "upscale"? Litter and traffic issues...think they already exist. What say of the jobs it will bring...yes they most likely be min/low wage, low skill, unsocial hours...but jobs are jobs right? I am undecided on the issue... mainly because I want listen to the "Say Yes" side before I make my mind-up.

dg writes: The online petition has plenty of comments from the 'Yes' camp.
I'm enjoying this series DG, thank you. You've convinced me here to make another visit to this part of the world.
I hope this is not too impertinent, and I am not the DSS, the tax people or your employer, but I am wondering how you get so much time off to do these lovely things, if you are only 50?

I quite understand if you don't want to post this question and answer it on your lovely and fascinating blog, but I would really love to know.

If you can give any tips to others about how to split up our working week and wander lonely as a cloud, I think you should do it for us!!

Thanks, I love your blog.
@ kate byrne

You not wondering. Think other commenters will agree that DG sets aside quite alot of his free time in his wandering and blog writing. Helped by the fact he requires far less sleep than most people ;)
I have a full time job, but I took last week as annual leave (because it was my birthday). Nothing extraordinary, nothing superhuman.
re beck = river, I think that Avon also = river so River Avon is a bit strange as well (and there are two of them at least)
"Nothing extraordinary, nothing superhuman" so no need to worry about (DSS, tax-people, employer) or X-files dept.
"a landscape feature that brings the concept of "bland concrete trench" to new heights"

"Depths" surely, DG? "Depths"
This collection of river maps seems apt here.
I live just a few minutes away from Kelsey Park and it is certaintly a hidden gem. It's lovely at all times of the year and day - from cold winter's days with the ducks slipping all over the frozen lake to misty mornings and summer evenings with children having picnics and playing games.

High Broom Wood is even more a hidden treasure great to walk the dog and take the young ones as you are in world apart from the hustle and bustle of the surrounding streets.

Glad you visited.
I'm catching up on your comments about Kelsey Park after we were taken there by family members.

Yes, the River Beck and the lakes make it special. But there's already something special about most successful linear parks. And this one seems beautifully cared for.

When we visited there was plenty to see and something new around each bend. Lots of other people enjoying themselves, so it felt calm and safe.
Our granddaughter liked the ducks, geese and swans; seemed a bit nervous going over the waterfall; and she loved the kids' playground.

Did you look at the Friends of the Park website? It includes an interesting chronology page. Which shows how luck and money play a big part in what gets loved and cherished and saved from the past. And also that the local state - represented at the time by Beckenham Council - had to step in to prevent it all being turned into "an up-market gated housing estate."

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