please empty your brain below

You've got a good BestMate there. I'm hoping you blew the diet off for that one day at least?

You got a taxi from Waterloo station to OXO? That's just decadence.

Diet on hold? Hell yes.
Taxi for disorientation purposes only.

great photo, by the way, DG!

You had dinner with Linda Bellingham?

thoughtfull person, your bestmate!

Rich bugger, your best mate. Work for RBS, by any chance?

dg writes: No. Thank you for that tactless ill-informed comment.

Did you have stock cubes?

I'm jealous, but in a nice sort of way.

There is indeed a great view from the OXO Tower restaurant over the Thames. I wandered over there a few weeks ago, in fact. I've never eaten there though.

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