please empty your brain below

You get to visit Catford next year, mind...

Thanks Darryl - I was about to check...

Only another 14 years and you will get your own Freedom Pass. Assuming they haven't upped the age before then or scrapped them altogether.

Happy Birthday, DG. Love your posts.

The Freedom Pass eligibility age is already later than 60, it was changed in April 2010, and I think will increase each year until you will have to be 65 to get one.

When I typed my comment I did wonder if it had gone up already but being to lazy to check I went with 60 as being the age for receiving it.

Oh well DG only another 19 years till you receive yours.

I presume that I will never get a detailed account of a journey on my local bus (the 339) from you.

You can never tell with DG. Maybe one day he will do bus routes with only two factors in their number one of which is three.

Perhaps DG will one day venture back to Dagenham and sample the delights of the 173, 174 and 175 bus routes. As far as I know they are the only three consecutive numbered buses that share reasonable amounts of their routes.

Sadly next year's trip will no longer take you from the City to the borders of Kent.

It will if he does it at night...

You were at the right end of Abbey Road for the zebra crossing! The road the 46 crosses is Grove End Road; Abbey Road starts a little further up, round a bend.

I look forward to these annual bus trips, and once again you did it justice! Shame it didn't have a top deck though.

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