please empty your brain below

I did make the most of the sun. Got a whole load of washing dry outside on the line. Good going for early February.
this isn't going to do much for your word count
I think the new path over the marshes doesn't connect to any bridge on the canal side simply because it was replacing an extremely muddy path (well for much of the year) that had formed by people walking constantly over the same bit over and over again. From what remember it was only ever grass and mud and this just makes it a lot easier to pass across year round.
Goodness me, if you thank that is muddy (or indeed worthy of being called a marsh) you need to get out to the southern suburbs where we have proper mud and acres of flooded grass in the parks. But of course you can't.

dg writes: I didn't say it was muddy.
The current surface on that path across the marshes is new and was laid last Summer; there was a previous, muddier, but still official-looking, version for a few years before that (created in the run-up to 2012, I think, although I can't really remember when it first appeared).

I wondered vaguely about its location for a while, and eventually realised that it simply crosses at the narrowest point, as both the Lee and the Lee Navigation kink inwards at their respective ends. It also neatly divides the football zone to the North of it from the rugby zone to the South - without encroaching on any of the playing areas.

It's actually a fairly useful route now, giving residents of Clapton a quick connection to the Olympic Park, and from there to Stratford and the delights of Westfield. Back in the day it didn't lead any further than the overflow football pitches on the East Marshes...
I spent a lot of my boyhood wandering about Hackney Marshes, in what always felt like freezing weather, while my Dad refereed one of the many football matches. Sometimes, there were so many, it felt like a maze of football to a 9 year old boy.

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