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The Rail Adhesion Trains, which ply their trade in 'leaf fall season', seem to have their poppies permanently attached - which means that in some places TfL can be seen to be rememberancing from mid-September.
Why should the Royal British Legion get so much support in this way for their charity appeal when other equally deserving charities don’t.

You can still pay your respects on Remembrance Day without having to support RBL - they are two separate things but seem to have got intertwined.- much to RBL’s benefit
There seem to be two kinds of soldiers who survive wars: those who never want to speak about their experiences and those who can't stop doing so; I prefer the former.
Trains don’t remember. People remember. This is virtue-signalling rubbish, perhaps to avoid criticism from the self-righteously mawkish sentimentalists.
Sticking a poppy on TfL infrastructure is now 'a thing' and can't be 'unthinged' without controversy.

The Poppy Appeal used to be more of a bottom up effort, but few people have any direct military connections today.

Thankfully WWIII is coming up (or has already started), to reconnect us all and make Remembrance Day a true community event for any survivors.
A balanced view? Reminiscent of how the mendacious, irresponsible, reckless ex-PM Johnson decided which side to support during the most important referendum of our generation.
Lest we forget.
But doesn't that Whizzy Lizzy train look cute with its rosy poppy cheeks?
They're just following Cookie Monster's example.
I won't be happy til trains are replaced by poppies on wheels with stickers of trains on them.

Total madness. A sign that we've become a meaningless society in which symbolism and lip service have replaced ceremony, education and collective memory.
Rather like the cars that have them all year, wearing or displaying a poppy too early - and this is - reduces the impact for me.
The comments today are a little scary.
I agree with Messiah
Fragility and transience - intrinsic to the painful symbolism of the poppy.
The ticket hall at Mile End already has a prominently-placed Poppy Appeal poster, despite the fact it doesn’t launch until Thursday.
This is all thoroughly disrespectful to Our Brave Boys DG and I will be reporting you to the authorities for not being sufficiently reverent.
This seems like the sort of thing Content Producing Minion 11 would come up with.
The War to End All Wars.
That went well didn't it!

With so many wars going on at any given time, every day is a remembrance day.
Well I’m a pretty jingoistic guy but even I would go further than the left column. Remembrance should be for one day a year.
No one wants war, but if you don't want to remember war, war will find you some day. I am an all-the-way right hand side guy.
Ah yes, timely reminder to dust off and iron the less offensive of the collection for flaunting on exterior apparel once again
Poppies on trains or anywhere else do not bother me. What I have never understood is why we remember the war dead (including my grandfather) by the firing of guns. Johnny
For me, the wearing of poppies for weeks on end reduces the impact and significance of the day itself. Rather like the way people start celebrating Christmas all through Advent and even before.
I also agree with Messiah
I wonder if anyone has asked the veterans what they think of the poppy 'arms race' to be poppier-than-thou.
...and at several other stations... I assume TfL's poppy season is officially underway (three days earlier than the Royal British Legion's).
'Poppyscotland' appear to have launched their appeal today, and were very much in evidence in Edinburgh - though not affixed to any public transport as far as I can see.
RBL poppies were being sold in a pub in Bracknell yesterday, so perhaps some places have a head start.

I can’t wait for a train to sport a white poppy. That will be a sight to see.
Thank you for posting both sides to this story.
Maybe TfL emphasises the RBL charity over others as the organisation takes part in the Remembrance Day march-past of the Cenotaph (which is arranged by the RBL) with their TfL Old Comrades Association.
Haha .. bepoppied - exxellent .. do red and purple clash when purple involves red.
Saw a non-London bus today with a poppy on it.

I will say no more.
Poppies on lamp columns around Birmingham Tow Hall.
London Transport Old Comrades Association formed on instructions of the King in 1923, so 100 years on parade at Cenotaph this year.
Have Help for Heroes curtailed their Remembrance Day campaigning? It seemed a bit... well, wrong to see them out next to the Legion, competing for the public's pounds. I have to admit that I'm always suspect of starting up a new charity where a perfectly good one (the Legion) already exists, and they've proven to be aggressive in their fundraising at times. I suppose it's all for a good cause at the end, but I do wonder what their board gets paid.
I'm all for remembering the tragedies and sacrifices of past conflicts, but the poppy seems to have turned into this cringey virtue signalling competition.

You can guarantee that if TfL stickered all their trains for any other cause there'd be an army of keyboard warriors complaining about it being a waste of money.

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