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Thanks for this interesting series. My father grew up around Woolwich and to my shame I’ve only ever driven through it once. The family home, the pub the Fortunes of War, is sadly no longer with us.

I don't think anybody else has mentioned it yet.
- North Woolwich on the Northern side of the Thames was part of Kent.. It later became Part of the L.C.C area (The surrounding borough of West Ham wasn't) and only cut it's ties with the south when it was transfered into the newly constituted LB Newham in 1965.

having just nipped over to flicr, i have a question: what is the meaning of the people statues in james clavell square? nice phots, btw. i esp. liked the detail on the iron gates.

Woolwich Arsenal features in the classic Sherlock Holmes story "The Bruce Partington Plans", which is about the theft of plans for a new type of submarine. (

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