please empty your brain below

Exactly what I have been thinking about.

I think I read somewhere recently that if inflation runs at 4%, the value of a given sum of money is halved in 16 years. I can no longer find the link, but is this the case?
17 years

(1-0.04)17 = 0.5
Thank you.
What about if inflation runs at 7% and at 10%?
(1-0.07)9.5 = 0.5
(1-0.10)6.5 = 0.5

so 4%... 17 years
     7%... 9½ years
   10%... 6½ years
These sums for halving of value aren't quite right.
It should be to solve (1+x)^n = 2
(1-x)^n = 0.5

To see why they give different values for n, consider when inflation is 100%, i.e. value is halved after a year. But the second formula has no solution.
Sorry, my fault for using a formula that looked like it might be comprehensible rather than the correct one.

(1+0.04)18 = 2
(1+0.07)10 = 2
(1+0.10)7 = 2

So 18 years, 10 years and 7 years.
Thank you both. Depressing reading. Spend it now while you can...
Or, more generally:

number of years = log 2 / log (1 + %)

So, to two decimal places,
4% -> 17.67 years
7% -> 10.24 years
10% -> 7.27 years

I'll get my coat.
Ugh, maffs! All I know is that everything is going up except my monthly income, which (before taxes) has stayed the same for 10 years now!
Just divide the interest rate into 70. Near enough right.

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