please empty your brain below

Thanks for getting out and about in the snow for us. I won’t be venturing out until the milder weather arrives.
P.s. I didn’t cross the “picket line” that you set up the other day. 😇 Did I miss anything?
If only there were a few sheep in Greenwich Park, ideally facing the camera, that view and sky would be reminiscent of a Joseph Farquharson painting.
It's 4 days later and the snow is still here in plumstead 🤷‍♀️
It's an interesting illustration of how localised the snowfall was - up here in the icy wastes of the Far North London we had around 20cm of snow in a short space of time, a thicker blanket than in your photos and thick enough to cover the M25 and A406 and render them impassable.
You could tell it was cold because the snow remained on the branches all through the following day - most of it is still there this morning.
This is slightly more as predicted by the climate models. The UK is supposed to have milder winters overall (check), but with more intense cold snaps; which as Sunday's post will tell you hasn't really happened as much in the past 10 years.

I quite like a good cold snap (it's dry!), but I appreciate that's not going to be a popular opinion when some people are struggling to pay for gas.
Here on the Ilford/Chigwell border, Claybury Park is still largely a winter wonderland. And my ungritted road is still an icy skating rink. If only all this year's summer heat could have been stored and put to good use this winter.
I took a photo which will be useful:a moody looking Jamaica Inn, which will be my seasonal looking Christmas card next year.
I enjoyed seeing your photos very much. Thank you.
For me it's not just that everything is whiter than usual but that the snow hides messy things like litter and flytipping. On the othr hand it made those handrails in the Olympic Park stand out and look as if they'd been vandalised when I assume the odd kink is actually to line up with the flights of steps.
Does one wait for a cancelled train, or is it the next one that isn't cancelled that you actually wait for? If they don't exist then you can't be waiting for them, but if you didn't know.....? A bit like Schrodinger's cat. Maybe.
There would have been even more footsteps going to the church in Victorian times.
Although we lived in the UK for a few years, I never got used to the cold. But I must admit that Gladstone statue outside St Mary's Church looks regal.
It's good to see the 01 number on the launderette as well. Killing two birds with one stone there.
Still lots of snow here in South London. So more opportunities to take pictures- if youre not sliding on the ungritted pavements.
I hope tomorrow there are a dozen photos taken during the 40C summer to warm us up!
Ooh, these look like they might take the crown for my least-viewed photos on Flickr ever, finally eclipsing a rhododendron from 2006.
Hope my belated viewing hasn't upset your statistics. Some stunning compositions - I particularly like the orange boats by the bridge.
'The orange boats by the bridge' is a pre-snow photograph (and my most favourited Flickr photo ever).
The house on Bastion Road looks like it's been cut in half
I like taking snowy photos as well. Not expecting the snow later that day, I took some frosty photos in my local park on Sunday afternoon as it looked nice and wintry, not knowing that 2 days later I'd be taking some much more wintry photos of it!

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