please empty your brain below

Just one guess each thanks.
8 Garfield
30. Nixon

dg writes: Not 30.
7. Clinton
5 - Hoover
26 Washington
1: Trump
11. Carter
19 Van Buren
3) Bush
18. Roosevelt
4. Lincoln
1. Taft

dg writes: Not 1.
25. Truman
2) Grant
30 Adams
28 Taft
6 - Pierce
16 - Coolidge
15. Monroe

dg writes: Just one guess each.

13 Harrison
24 Nixon
9 Ford
All the definitions have been guessed...

  1) Trump
  2) Grant
  3) Bush
  4) Lincoln
  5) Hoover
  6) Pierce
  7) Clinton
  8) Garfield
  9) Ford
10) Cleveland

Still to be guessed:
12, 14, 17, 20
cryptic: 21, 22, 23, 27, 29
21 Fillmore
17 - McKinley
22. Biden
12. Reagan
23. Hayes
23. Hayes
ok then

14. Madison
17. McKinley
27. Polk
Too hard for me but tentatively I suggest 13 is Trump.
20 Eisenhower
All the anagrams have been guessed...

11) Carter
12) Reagan
13) Harrison
14) Madison
15) Monroe
16) Coolidge
17) McKinley
18) Roosevelt
19) Van Buren
20) Eisenhower

Still to be guessed: 29
29 Obama
And all the cryptic clues have been guessed...

21) Fillmore
22) Biden
23) Hayes
24) Nixon
25) Truman
26) Washington
27) Polk
28) Taft
29) Obama
30) Adams
Re #4, it occurs to me that the Bourbons were kings of Louisiana.

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