please empty your brain below

400 years ago. Then it was mostly down hill from there...

Jus' kidding, I like Americans as much as the-next-man-who's-not-been-bombed-by-them.

They haven't yet worked out whether i am "for 'em" or "against them". As a rule my country won't let in their warships: they will neither confirm or deny whether a ship carries nuclear weapons (even tho Janes guide gives us the answer) and as we are "anti-nuclear" we can't let nuclear powered or armed ships in. In return, they won't let much of our sheep or other produce in.
Mind you, they won't let much Aussie beef in, either, and yet the Australians (government) absolutely love 'em and even have a free trade agreement with them.
"Go figure" as the Americans would say...

The blogger bar seems to break Opera 9.2 as well....

Um... throw in a line break or two at the start of your template, that'll fix your broken title. Unless you're doing it on purpose now.

Yes, I'm doing it on purpose while I wait for someone at Blogger Support to reply to an email I sent three weeks ago (and a follow-up I sent later). Not holding my breath.

Don't hold your breath. You will die.
And that is a Bad Thing.

Ha! Just got a reply!

Bloody useless reply, though...

"Unfortunately, there is no way to remove the navbar at this time; however, if the Navbar is covering up the top of your blog, you can add a bit of CSS code to your template to shift your content down slightly...

Alternatively, you can use one of our default templates, all of which work well with the Navbar."

Yeah, right. Proper shafted then.

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