please empty your brain below

Very good reflection on the area. (Born and lived in Chingford all my life!)
Actually the Old Church is still very much used for services, and is a daughter church of the main parish church on the green.

dg writes: updated, thanks.
Never failed to be awed by the Lea Valley panorama from the summit of King's Head Hill, when driving through on my daily homeward commute. The memory is likely magnified greatly by the relief of having (finally!) crossed the junction, after sitting frustrated through multiple traffic light sequences!
The text about eternal rest on the Krays' grave is intriguing. Possibly a tacit acknowledgment that theirs were not lives to be celebrated.
In the distance of your final shot is the derelict Regal Cinema. There are ambitious plans to renovate the building, build flats above and behind and open anew the cinema. As the cinema in Walthamstow has closed because the operator went bump, I can't see them finding an operator for Highams Park any time soon.
I had a whale of a time as a passenger on the model train 75 years ago.
I believe that all walks should get a dg rewrite. Excellent job. You truly made an average walk so much better.
The big Victorian church on the Green wasn't engendered by the railway; that came 30 years later. And it's Ropers Avenue, not Roper - these were locally designed bespoke Chingford Borough Council houses. There's a good CA leaflet.

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