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Lots of horses then.
I’m enjoying these geology posts. Abbey Wood added to my places to visit
Wow! Fossil hunting is great fun. Raw amateurs are unlikely to find anything paradigm-shattering, but you never know...
There may be a low level of comments/responses to the recent geology posts, but they're terrifically interesting and informative. Thank you.
No shark's teeth when I visited either.
Absolutely adored the woods. Fossil pit, bluebells and a prehistoric burial mound - perfect!
Finally got round to taking the kids here in February after making a mental note it should be on our to-do list following your May 2022 post. We had no joy finding a shark's tooth but the anticipation of possibly digging one up kept us going for quite a while.
Yes, I’m enjoying a slightly different focus too. And you revealing new places for us to explore.
We live within walking distance of the fossil pit. It was a blessing to be able to "do" something during covid times. There are sometimes lectures on the geology/archaeology of the area in the lodge.
I last visited the sandpit about 50 years ago. There used to be loads of little shark's teeth, I remember taking home quite a few. Glad you found some too!

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