please empty your brain below

My guess is that the Biden presidency will be 4 years of misery with all the negative knock on effects on foreign policy.
My guess is that the Biden presidency will be 4 years of restoring relationships after Trump's atrocious foreign policy.
If the mink mutation had happened here the present government would have no chance of getting public cooperation and it’d spread across the country.
Everyone in Liverpool to be *offered* testing... it remains to be seen what proportion will actually be tested.
My fear is that while Joe Biden is working hard to bring things together, in the background there will always be Trump stirring, stirring, stirring...
Mink mutation??? Rushes off to Google....

... just, wow!

I thought the mink trade had all but disappeared due to popular disapproval and realistic-looking fake fur!
The Danes are concerned about their meat processing. The mink thing is a diversion. Biden will be as disastrous as the fart; there are lots of people with their fingers in the till & hence will vote any old crap regulations in so that they can line their own interests at will. You are all asleep...except you're not. Fgs, it is time for the worm to turn.

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