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I remember the "Less passion from less protein" placard well from student days in London in the 1980s. I can't believe it's in a museum gallery now. Gosh, that makes me feel old :-(

Ooh good. I dragged the kids there last summer and was rather disappointed that half of it was closed, so I was planning on going to the Docklands one this time. Now I shall drag them to both! :)

Many thanks for this report, which prompted me to go and visit the Museum this very day. There's a nice model of Skylon in there, though it wasn't clear when it was made or where it came from. And I was pleased to see that Imre Kiralfy got a namecheck for organising what are probably the best attended events the country has ever known.

I found it all a bit disappointing - like they've tried to cram in far too many exhibits at the expense of trying to deliver any kind of coherent narrative or even explanation - I spent a while with the suffragette exhibit today, for example, and it is lots of individual items without any one piece of text or video clearly explaining what happened. All a bit of a mess, to be honest, and one of the more disappointing museum visits I've made in the last year, sadly. (In fact - I even found it very disappointing compared to the unrefurbished upstairs part)

Looking forward to it!!

The Museum of London has always been my favourite museum.
I felt old when visiting the Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, they had a Wallace & Gromit clock radio on display, and it's on my mantelpiece at home too.

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