please empty your brain below

2005 - are you still an active Arsenal fan? Would be interesting to see you chart how your keenness for this changed over time. Matches watched per season?
I am surprised at the clubbing as recently as 2009.
I am surprised by the mode of transport in 2003.
i'm guessing DG was riding pillion on best mate's bike.
Total awesomeness of a post - that's all...!
Me 2021: Stayed home. Watched my life slowly tick away!
Me 2021: Went to Tesco on foot. Afternoon walk in the woods, same that I have been doing four times a week for the past 9 months.
Why do we say BY tube, car, coach, bus, train, IN a mini and ON foot? (And why foot not feet?)
Well, eco-dg in summary I say.
Me 2021: Did a bit of mild worrying about a bushfire in Australia, not far from where my daughter and son-in-law live.
2021: Walked to the Isle of Dogs on foot. Watched Only Connect.
Thanks for the reminder of, and link to, East of Ipswich. That's a happy hour guaranteed later.

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