please empty your brain below

Yaay! Nice amusement for this daft hour of the day. Think I've done it.

Numbers, Grrr - too befuddling for me, loved the map though.

Me, too, at 1:48 AM! It is hard to go to sleep for the night without first checking in on the Geezer. Lovely map, too.

Dear oh dear, I've got to leave for work in half an hour and i haven't even put in my contact lenses yet. I've done it though.

Way to easy for a real DG puzzle...did it perhaps really come from Boris?

I think I feel good because I've done it - but it was an easy one wasn't it DG?

This is just a tempter, now next time there's a proper puzzle, everyone will think they can do it cause they were able to do this one. They will then fail miserably.

Sadly I managed this is 25 seconds, by virtue that I know which buses are bendy and which ones aren't.

I need to get out more (or maybe just catch less buses)


Though I'd rather go bendy than go near the Woolwich-Orpington route mentioned

I am officiallly a supergeek.

Eleventy-one? That's Bilbo's birthday.
There weren't any buses in the Shire.

Thanks for bendy bus map reference. Loved it, and will pass to friends( for amusement, not transport requirements: too many code red alerts on these routes)

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