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Pedant's corner The Harlequin hasn't been the Harlequin for some years now it is now the ubiquitous Intu centre
Editor's note: I know.
The Chalybeate Spring has been unreliable recently, though February filldyke this year may fix that.There is some suspicion that nearby building works, including a tunnel, have altered the hydrology.
I find the Pantiles depressing. Really poor food outlets and not as interesting as it should be - other than the brilliant cookware shop.
Sadly the Pantiles lost its chief attraction for me, a secondhand bookshop (with a byline in coffee beans) some years ago. The owner told me they didn't want to move, but the rent had gone up enormously. My impression these days that some businesses here are short-lived, as revenues fail to cover rent and other costs.
Lovely cricket ground, but I always find Tunbridge Wells a bit underwhelming, just another commuter town really
You can always access the public side of the spring for a taste of the water. Tastes rather like sucking on old 2p pieces!

One of the nicer places to visit is the common and the various rocky outcrops that I used to clamber on as a child. Wellington Rocks, toad rock (it looks like a toad!) and High Rocks but I believe you have to pay to go there now...
There used to be quite a nice heritage walk- through experience on the Pantiles - a sort of Yorvik/Canterbury Tales thing called ‘ A day at the Wells’. Guess it has long closed.
Rest assured, when I passed the Chalybeate Spring earlier today it was going very well.

A bit disappointed no pictures of Tunbridge Wells very own Bus stop M!

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