please empty your brain below

Anyone remember a kids TV programme called Boris the Bold?

A great shame Boris has come in to muck it all up. Ken versus Brian vs unheard of Tory might actually have been a good contest (for London).

Nice one for the anti BNP stance dude!

Are we electing a mayor or a mascot? Because one could be mistaken for assuming the latter.

I quite like the bendy buses. Does that make me a bad person?

Bizarre, isn't it, that the national election might have a germination period of weeks, whereas the nominally less important London mayoral race is to stretch on 8 months - and likely generate more column inches in the process. This is dangerously close to pre-election atmosphere in America - nearly a year of personality cults and name-calling... sigh.

Bendy buses are great... if you're a pickpocket.

I think Mr Johnson will prove to be a formidable opponent for Mr Livingstone. He's portrayed as an upper class buffoon in the press because he likes a quip but actually behind all the bluster is a sharp intellect. As time goes on I think the public will warm to him so watch out Ken. He's still a Tory, though, so he'll never get my vote.

The 521 bendy bus is perfect for this route. It's the commuter route for people from Waterloo Station up into High Holborn and then onto in the City. The bendy bus is ideally suited to be a commuter shuttle, which is the only purpose of this route. I don't mind if they get rid of the rest of them but this one actually works.

Agree with mq, cb that the 521 definitely works as a bendy bus - particularly with its high density 4 minute headway in peak periods.

I make it 216 days to go, not 222. Am I wrong? It is late so my mind may have shattered into tiny pieces.

I was just remembering a certain story about a blogger and an inaccurate Newham countdownometer...

You're right, it's 216.
I made the mistake of believing the official government "London Elects" website.
Looks like we have another malfunctioning countdownometer on our hands.

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