![]() please empty your brain below |
Well done for sticking so rigidly to your diet. Hope it turns out to be worthwhile. |
Well done! You might find that a lot of the stuff you aren't allowed now is a bit too greasy when you go back to it. I certainly did. Are you allowed spices? I find cooked chicken is greatly improved by the addition of a bit of sweet chili sauce. Also, as well as the tinned salmon, the tinned skinned, filleted sardines are surprisingly tasty, oily and bone-free. Sainsbury's and Waitrose sell them, not sure about anywhere else. |
Gosh, I'm impressed, it's so hard to stick to something like that, especially as I can well imagine how bland the menu seems after years of eating at will. But since the alternative isn't that appealing either, well done and hopefully it has made a difference! |
The advantage of chicken is how bland it is, so you can dump any kind of spice, chilli or low-fat sauce over it. It's actually quite easy to duplicate your favourite chinese chicken sauces (lemon, mandarin, sweet chilli), and that's before you get into the myriad of tomato based sauces (garlic, onion, basil, thyme). We eat a lot of chicken but hardly ever just chicken, we like flavour too! That said we do also have things like cheese in moderation.. |
Are you allowed any ready meals - I think the weight watchers ones aren't anywhere near as health-wrecking as the regular ones. I've also taken to eating tofu - once you get used to the idea, it's not bad. Try frying it in one of those 1 calorie sprays with a bit of garlic and it doesn't come out bad. |
Well done, you've done so well - and on top of your arteries, having lost so much weight, you must find it easier doing everyday things as well? |
Congratulations on sticking so rigidly to your diet, DG. I was thinking you could treat yourself to a nice chicken and asparagus pie tonight, but I don't think the pastry will do your cholesterol much good. Never mind. Hopefully in a couple of weeks... |
Blimey, that weight loss is outstanding. I don't think you have to stick to that diet plan forever. The golden rule in life is everything in moderation, with the exception of crack cocaine. When you go back to chocolate why don't you try Green & Blacks Milk Chocolate? It's a darker milk than most others so I reckon it'd be lower in cholesterol. As least that's what I tell myself. |
eat rice made foods and Chapathi |
Well done on sticking so riggedly to your diet, however don't let the friend and colleague comments get to you when you lose more, such as "but you don't need to any loose more". Keep it going and congrats on the weight lose so far, I'm restarting my own diet from Thursday. Weight Watchers here I come. If you really want to try a frill seeking diet just try the 7 days cabbage detox diet, I've never struggled so hard to eat food. Bland was given a whole new meaning. |
What about venison, DG? I know it's a bit dear (sorry, 'bout that) but it is supposed to be low saturated fat & low cholesterol. It doesn't appear on my Flora sponsored 'Lowering Chloresteol Advice' sheet that been on my kitchen wall since 2000. Well done in keeping up your rigorous diet, I'm not quite as committed as yourself but I don't cut anything out just cut back to the point that all the 'bad' things are now a 'treat' eg Fish & Chips once every 6 months, proper cheese (250g) lasts weeks in the fridge properly wrapped. |
You might try keeping an eye out for frozen salmonburgers. That's my favorite. They're easy and quick to bake... with a little crushed garlic & mustard. Just bake them in a glass dish. And at the same time you're baking those frozen salmonburgers (20 minutes at 300 degrees), it's easy to chop up a few potatoes into bits and cover them very lightly with oil and add in flavorful dried flakes of spicy things like oregano, chives and the like. Those bake up on a baking sheet. Keep on losing that weight! :0) |
Wow! I wish I had your will power! Try Asda's lime and coriander salmon fillets, they go down a treat ![]() |
Bloody good show old chap! Keep up the good work. |
Just new jeans? What about new work trousers...should be a post about shopping soon. I look forward to that DG. |
Congrats!! Your will power is inspirational! I hope the blood test will show good results. |
*smiles at the suggested additions from most of the above people* You will tell them one day won't you DG? ![]() And, I cannot condone you eating so many of my children's relatives, sorry... I might do a post next week about the con that is salmon - farmed salmon at least is a non-healthy concoction of nasty chemicals, colourings, and growth enhancers. Nearly as awful as non-free range chicken in fact. Hugh and Jamie's next animal welfare target, I wouldn't be surprised. |
Ooh, more recipes. This is becoming one of those cooking blogs ... If you do get sardine fillets, try sardines on toast - delicious mashed up with worcester sauce and a great 'I can't be bothered to cook' meal. |
Sprats for lunch. A can of smoked sprats with the oil drained and a squeeze of lemon and toast is great. Lowered my readings quite a bit, and gets some comments from the mates too. |
venison |
Ostrich, although expensive, is low in fat - not sure about the cholesterol. Well done on sticking to your diet, DG. I admire you. |
I would say, give yourself one meal a week of forbidden goodies like roast lamb. Once a week can't hurt. |
Delia Smith (proper Delia, not "I've sold my soul to Wall's and lost my marbles into the bargain" Delia) has a recipe for something called Highland Pasta on her website - smoked salmon, mushrooms, curry powder, crème fraiche, etc. You might like that as well. |
This might not be a suitable topic for a polite comments box, but it must be said that a plain diet produces a healthier "outcome". |
A variant on shop-bought low-far oven fries: chop up a baking potato into chunky chips, shake them in a bag with a spoon of sunflower oil and cook them in the top of a hot oven. Try soups: chopped onion, celery and green pepper (or leeks, maybe) softened in a little oil, then add chicken stock and cook gently for a bit, then liquidise to taste. Or red onion, red pepper and a tin of chopped tomatoes. Or you can add some beans, and/or some bits of pasta and shredded greens and call it minestrone. |
I've also just discovered I have high cholesterol. Before Friday I rarely ate red meat but I've spent all weekend craving a nice fat beefburger! I haven't given in yet but it's driving me mad! |
Congrats on changing your diet, DG. I can't imagine life without chocolate. I know you're not the tofu type, but you might take a walk on the wild side and pick up a vegan/vegetarian meal at some place like Planet Organic. Hippie food can be tasty. |
Please read "The Great Cholesterol Con" by Dr Malcolm Kendrick. If you are overweight you are eating too much carbohydrate (or sugar, in the vernacular - sugar is poison!)Having a low cholesterol 'score' is more likely to result in a heart attack - and is associated with cancers (of all kinds). You have a great blog - I wouldn't want the world to lose such a fabulous thing.... |
Congratulations DG, your self-control is a lesson to us all. Have you tried mackeral? Now how about this for a day trip, in the better weather, off to a port city & do a spot of mackeral fishing. Get the boat owner to gut (& bone) your catch for you if you don't feel up to it. Then back home & fresh mackeral fillets for tea. Yummy. Just remember to take the sunscreen, & the ginger biscuits if you're prone to mal de mer! |
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