please empty your brain below

Someone's been holding your metaphorical beer I see!
Outstanding .. my admiration and appreciation of your content has just been elevated even further .
It's always admirable to see how people rise above criticism. This is probably not the best example.
A pocky stick?

Perhaps we readers should have a whip round and get you the 1978 and 1982 half pennies to complete your collection
I was mildly annoyed when the Wordle word was CLOUD, as it used to be my starter word, but then a friend convinced me it was a stupid starter word as it didn't have an A or E in it, or more common consonants, so I switched to AFTER. So instead of hitting the magic one when it was CLOUD, I got a three.

I shall have to spend some time today working out all my routes to school, though for the first 7 years of schooling they all involved a lot more buses and less walking.
Yesterday still wins!
Do put a comments box under each one though...
Are you implying that 'The Archers' is boring?
And as an obvious 'Archers' fan have you listened to the wonderful 'Ambridge on the Couch' podcast?
Your posts are never dull. Always gives my morning a cheerful start. Keep up the great work.
Thank you for featuring my home borough in today's eclectic and fascinating post. I have actually visited two of these allotments. My Wordle starter word is xxxxx, and I will stop playing when it eventually comes up.

Respectfully though, I did point out that yesterday's post was one of a kind. You occasionally seek feedback on what you shoul write about From glancing at its length I then decided that it was simply too niche. A pithy post containing the error and the three historical factoids would have hit the mark (for me).
Was the "10 smallest allotments in Sutton" blog post the one we missed out on because you walked with BestMate across Sandy Heath instead? (28/11)
The train timetable alone makes this one of your more interesting posts for me :)
The dinners are fascinating! I know that pollo means chicken in Spanish and Italian but somehow that doesn’t help me understand what ‘pollo chicken’ might mean.
Reading this on mobile I was interested as to why only some of the B&D bus routes were hyperlinked. But actually it’s my phone attempting to parse some of the data into phone numbers.

150 145 175 174 179
173 169 103 128 66
62 368 364 366 362
287 247 296 238

Normally I wouldn’t post this, as it is quite dull, but today that feels apt.
Food-wise I’m assuming 1985 was university, as otherwise that’s very early to be cracking out Christmas Dinner.

In my own uni days I once managed five Christmas dinners by celebrating the end of term at mine and then friend’s universities, before working the last week at a school and then actual Christmas.

Not sure what the Italians would make of Spaghetti on Toast!

They got the Helsinki-St Petersburg train down to 3.5 hours, but it hasn’t run now since March 2022. Perhaps impressive to keep it running for over a month after the most recent Ukraine invasion.
When the A14 was replaced by new carriageways between Huntingdon and Cambridge, the previous road was renumbered as A1307 and therefore also crosses the meridian.

dg writes: added thanks
I do admire the run up, instead of settling for a mere 'dull', it's elevated to being 'perhaps your most incredibly dull', a mundane word wrapped in barbed wire.
If that post is boring, I am the King of Siam!

The meal paragraph reveals a culinary breadth I could barely have dreamt of. If one date harbours such riches, what might the rest of the year reveal?
Is that individual allotments or allotment sites?
My walks to school:

i) leave the house, walk through the woods, cross the playing field, take the bridge over the stream, cross the other playing field, climb the hill
ii) oh. I'm already there
Just checked my August 1977 Thomas Cook.
Only two trains a day shown. Helsinki 1530 Moscow 0855 and Helsinki 2210 Lenningrad 0922. Neither is named.
Is it just December 4th when you note down what you have for dinner, or is it every day?

And why no cooking in 2003?
More dull please!!
You've listed the A112 twice, but there are several other A roads that cross the meridian more than once, notably the A16 and the A10.

The M25 is the only Motorway to cross the meridian, and also does so twice.

The 15 + 6
Paul 0 + 13
Now 11 + 0
In 3 + 1
And 3 + 0 (and I thought you weren't supposed to start a sentence - let alone a book - with a conjunction)
As individual items, those could contend for dull post of the year. However, as a single collective post, it's actually quite interesting. Sorry.
Your blog on any given day may be ‘dull’, and yesterday’s post held little direct interest for me. But - and it’s a big But - (and I don’t lie) as a regular reader I often find a gleaming thread of interest on which to pull. Yesterday, as an example, it was the murder of the policeman, leading to the fate of his colleague, the irresistibly named Abia Butfoy. They had only just replaced the previous police contingent, ‘dismissed for a drunken violent rampage through Dagenham Village.’ Butfoy subsequently went mad and became the second customer to be admitted to the newly-opened Colney Hatch Pauper Lunatic Asylum.
The Half-penny fallow years are definitely interesting. Questions about this that may never get answered arise in my mind. It also got me, naturally, thinking about the Welsh Rugby player named Lee Halfpenny.

Keep up the great work.
I really liked the little parks post.
As a resident of Barking and Dagenham, I'm just happy for any post you do in that area!
This is what I come here for: anything at all that you care to write about. It’s witty, it’s clever and it is beautifully written. Plus public transport, architecture, landscape and occasional politics. What more could an old woman ask for?
Is this your PowerPoint for The Boring Conference 2025?
That Paul was quite the self-promoter! Almost as legendary as a full-scale DG retort, I hear.
I'm afraid you inspired me.

(though my dinner records only go back 14 years)
The first word in every book of the Bible feels like it could be a monologue from a Samuel Beckett play
The creator of "Technology Connections" on Youtube, Alec Watson, as a shtick for his November posts of "No Effort November".

Maybe this version is "Dull December".
Hahaha! Well played.
The amount of historical data you have to hand astounds me! I can't even remember what I had for dinner yesterday!
This definitely wasn't dull; I'm fascinated by the stretch of 13 Pauls in the Bible books.

And even if you had written your most dull blogpost yet, it being the most dull immediately means it's not dull since it has that property (see the interesting number paradox)!
This just feels a bit contrived rather than dull.
The bible one sounds like Paul has been discovered bothering the dog.
To answer your questions...

» no
» no
» I already said I had
» no
» Dec 5th 2015: ox tail
» individual
» no
» it was a very busy day
» plenty
» no

And your assumption was correct.
You make a lot of pies.
I travelled on the SL2 from Barking to Ilford today despite it not being in your list of all B&D buses. Also the 179 from Chingford has not run beyond Ilford to Barking since the East London Transit network was introduced.

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