please empty your brain below

Greetings to fellow members of the 2500!
The reason for the activity is that it is a daily blog, so it gets added to the routine.

As for the level of comments, travel is still a regular activity for many people, whereas historic houses aren't - so although interesting, there isn't much to say on the matter (if it was the 1960s there would still be plenty of people alive who worked in these sort of places when they were still occupied by the families).

dg writes: ...and transport knowalls always have something to say.
Wow, what happened in 2006 that led to such a leap in blog visitors?

dg writes: I got to be Blogger's Blog of the Day. See here.

Congratulations on an ever increasing readership, and in having what must be the entire internet’s most engaged and consistently polite commenting community!
I am intrigued to know why Count 7 is typed in a different colour ...
@PJS, I think it represents the colour he takes his tea.
Surprisingly, I find myself missing The Count. As in, the Sesame Street character icon for this feature. He was there in 2015, 2016, and 2017. What happened? Pet bats turned feral and attacked him? Went back to Transylvania before Brexit kicks in? Seconded to Washington D.C. for remedial presidential training?

dg writes: He too is arriving later in the day.
I started reading Diamond Geezer in 2004 when my daughter was living in Mile End while studying at Queen Mary UoL. I’ve been hooked ever since on the variety and writing style. It’s one of the first things I read in the morning, although admittedly it’s taking second place to the weather forecast just at the minute! Thanks for all your hard work DG
Presumably the Count can only arrive after hours of darkness?
Seeing you get more comments before 0900 than I get in a week, this could also be an interesting Intra day count?

dg writes: The vast majority of my daily comments appear between 7am and 2pm.
Well done and keep up work. Have a cup of tea (& maybe even a Becks) on me.
Deathly dull? Never! I love the count. It is already throwing up some interesting stats such as the fact that although you are presently "resting" you were no more sociable and you still used roughly as many trains even though there was no commute. I await part two for the explanations!
We've got the rest of the day to go. Any chance of breaking the mystery count duck later on and a revised figure tomorrow?

I'm a regular visitor and a very occasional commenter. It's the quality of your writing and the variety of subjects covered that make your blog so engaging.

Thank you and keep up the good work!
I read you regularly and comment irregularly. Always interesting - thank you.

Your site follows NewsBiscuit* in my list of morning reads so I come to you in the hope of sanity (which means I sometimes take your lighthearted pieces too seriously).
* A scurrilous take on current news stories
Has the Mystery Count happened in other months instead?
Has it even been close to happening?

I remember one year it was very close (half a count?) - so wasn't actually counted! So frustrating!!
Oh, I have an idea! Could the Mystery Count be the number of times KITTENS appear?

dg writes: No.
If is no longer working, the iPhone itself counts steps which are accessible in the Health app.

The good news is it doesn’t really use any addiitonal battery, and it’s probably been doing it all aloing in the background. So you can double check the days in Feb where Moves wasn’t working for you.
Wonderful. Love it all. Thanks dg.
@Cornish Cockney: If you are right I would suspect DG deliberately avoiding making that count within the month.

If anything, I fear that as DG approaches seniority the Mystery Count is having no chance of counting thereafter.
"one dodgy year when workplace kettle usage was banned"

The basis for a novel right there. Office relationships formed in adversity, loyalties tested, the existence of stationery cupboards brought into question. I'd read it.
Agree with Matt Smith above - the built in health app counts steps for you and doesn't seem to be a battery hog and feels pretty reliable
I love Pedometer++ for the iPhone step counting app. It'll load all your existing data in. Never crashed on me (although I've had one or two occasions where the iPhone itself has lost the day's steps.) It's free, but do support the developer with £2 to remove ads.

At the bottom of the settings screen (cog icon), it'll tell you how far you've walked in total, along with a fact - e.g. "You have taken 6,123,897 steps (4845.2km) using Pedometer++. That's 1 trip from New York to San Francisco."
Another vote here for William's suggestion - Pedometer++.

Nice app and not creepy like Moves.
I would really miss the Mystery count if its identity were ever revealed. (Whether or not the revelation was connected with it moving off zero).

But I think you may have revealed something about it which may be a new clue, when you say that you are unimpressed by its continued zeroness. That seems to rule out a whole range of obscure possibilities - twisted ankles, meteor impacts, plagues of locusts and the like.
DG, is the mystery count zero in other months as well, or is it just February?

dg writes: If I'd carried out the Mystery Count in January, or in March, it wouldn't always have been zero.
It's concerning how much time I spend thinking about The Mystery Count during the rest of the year... Is it inane? Thrilling? Life changing? I must know!

Please set a automatic post to reveal it upon your death, if need be. (I'll leave you to work out the logistics of this.)
Fantastic clue DG (great question @Caz), and we also now know that it is not once in a blue moon (superb post).

Time to put our thinking caps on. Perhaps we could have a game of 20 questions if we are all snowed in tomorrow or Friday?
Ken -
A non-zero Mystery Count at least once in January and March is still potentially once in a blue moon in my books. I think we all know what we want it to be, and it would be an unfortunate coincidence if only February lacked such an event...

<creepy second paragraph deleted>
Congratulations. Glad to see the blog is going from strength to strength. Looks like the last couple of weeks as varied and interesting as ever. That is undoubtedly what attracts the readers and commenters.
Perhaps the mystery count is for any of your daily posts,that doesn't have a comment? I can't remember any.
I think the Mystery Count is definitely, absolutely, without a question of a doubt "number of days without a banal, mind-numbingly insulting marketing e-mail arriving to my inbox". I can see how that remaining at zero would be frustrating.
Couldn't resist checking after all the comments about comments:

The first ever comment on DG was
"I agree Bourne Identity was FAB film"

The comments have definitely become more interesting since then.

dg writes: The first ever comment on DG was "GO SQUIRREL GO!"
...but I take your point.

I'm one of the every day readers who comes for the variety. I agree with the post that says I have more to comment about on transport than I do Hever Castle.

Many thanks for providing each day (er, mostly!!) what I find to be the most informative, entertaining and sharply written blog on the web.

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