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a) 99 years ago.

b) 1920

c) 9 years
D) 2028
e) 9.
f) 10
g) 22nd century.
h) 13th century
i) Between the years 2910 and 3009
j) Between the years 3900 and 4008
k) 40th century
l) 63 times

Now open for more general comments...
m) The year must be a multiple of three.
A very enjoyable puzzle that distracted me handily from my first morning back at work!

Here's an ugly Ruby script that calculates and outputs all of the answers:
Well done Rob. I questioned the answer to k until I checked that centuries run from nn01 to nn00. So the last year of the century is the only year which shares the digits with the century eg 2000 is in the 20th Century
I was thinking whether I could work it out using SQL commands but early January malaise got the better of me
m) The year must be 3 more than a multiple of 9 (related to all multiples of 9 having digits that add up to a multiple of 9).

The list of years is infinite, as even a huge number with hundreds of digits could have lots of zeroes with the other digits still only adding up to 12; in particular, 10 times any valid number will also be valid.

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