please empty your brain below

Don't forget there was a previous Bakerloo line gateline here, which had a corridor that led you to the outside - to an entrance/exit on Praed street, a lovely small Leslie Green red tiled structure now demolished, forever gone ( but still there on old Google Street view if you wind back a few years )
I wonder how many passengers at bus stop M are familiar with the term “urban realm development”. Perhaps refurbishment or roadworks would have been a more relatable term. Have they removed or struck through the route 8 tile from the flag or are they confident that everyone reads the notices?
The old narrow entrances down to the Bakerloo line ticket hall would cause congestion near to the main egress ramp from the main line station, so with any new project pedestrian flow is a big factor in siting the new entrance just that bit further away.
The array of safety notices at the bottom of the escalator - soon passengers will be required to go on a training course.

So the poster is dated 9th September, is put up on 23rd September and the work starts on 30th September.
"office fodder" .. reductive, superior and unnecessarily rude.
Do we know if the Overground split is still happening soon or will it be yet another thing pushed into next year?
No surprise that nobody could be bothered to update the finishing date on the stop M publicity.
I'm impressed that a mention by DG prompts a yellow and red striped Incident Response van.
The 8 ‘served’ Bow Church in 1994, but only in the opening credits of The Bill. I saw it being filmed one Sunday from my old flat in Bow.
Architects descriptions of their designs always amuse me. Your description seems more accurate than Renzo Piano’s, but wouldn't sell retail/ office space!!!
Nasty capitalists, providing a new useful facility at zero cost to the public purse. How very dare they.
Frank F; of course DG would *never* have done something so bourgeois as work in an office.
I had hoped that the small Bakerloo entrance next to the pasty outlet would be reopened after the development, even if only one-way into the underground (it really was very useful). Sadly it seems as if that idea is dead now.
One of the posters who is both on the tangytango bus forum and District Line Dave who seems to work for the Underground stated that the cyberattack is indeed why the launch has been pushed back because staff need to go through 1 to 1 sessions to regain full access to internal systems so have better things to do at the moment.

I have the same question as Doubting Tom, did they cross out the 8 (or even remove the tile). The diversion notice team that does the Victoria area still does that so I wonder if it's really up to whoever in the van that day whether they can be bothered getting a ladder out.
As you might be able to see if you squint, the '8 tile' at Bus Stop M does not feature a red cross.
The use of an Incident Response vehicle suggests that TfL does not take ownership of what is going on at and around the famous Bus Stop M.

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