please empty your brain below

Did he recognise you?

I bought a print of the Great Bear some years ago after a visit to Tate Modern in Liverpool. It's been up in my kitchen ever since. Problem is you start using it as an actual tube map and referring to stations by their famous people pseudonyms. Very confusing for other people.

Did he mention that he knew D.G.?

I just viewed one of SP works "ohm sweet ohm". I noticed that it was not difficult at all to produce one "big blue circuit drawing" with the name of the musicians and artiste.
I dont know..maybe im dumb to appreciate art.

One of my favorite sayings is: "Making the Art is easy... it's making a living from the Art is the tricky part."

The same could be said of a lot of things. Writing, for example, or playing tennis. I do like the Great Bear. I never get tired of looking at it.


... how fitting that there should be a station called Boris Ill

OK, OK, Ill get my coat

ive been to that exibit, the great bear is quite interesting, i plan to take my gf next time i go there

Was there ever a poster for Madame Tussauds showing a man in an Electric Chair on the underground.I think yes you?

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