please empty your brain below

I lived on Caledonian Road in King's Cross back in 2009/2010. The sanitisation was just starting then, and Goods Way back then was mostly hoarding behind which the work was taking place. They still had the petrol station there, and it was a convenient place for cab drivers queueing up for St. Pancras, so was mostly motorists and occasionally me on my daily meander.
I realise a certain amount of flippancy towards The Goods Way but I think it’s great the planners and developers did provide a music venue. So many have been lost over the years in the name of regeneration including some of London best nightclubs in the Kings Cross area. I gather La Fayette (the gig space) is excellent with great acoustics so will hopefully visit at some point.
I lived on Agar Grove at the turn of the 90s, and in my recollection, Goods Way (and the lower end of York Way) were depressingly abandoned places carpeted by needles. Walking up there from Kings Cross was to be avoided if possible - we got the bus. It cemented in my head the idea that the area behind railways stations was always grotty.
My Dad worked in the coal depots behind Kings Cross back in the 50s and early 60s. We lived in Peabody Buildings, Dufferin Street and Dad walked to work and back every day to save money on fares, even though a trip from Aldersgate Station (Barbican) is only two stops.

For years I used to watch coalmen delivering coal to the flats, 2cwt sacks at a time, sometimes from horse drawn carts. I always expected to see my dad doing the same except I later found out he was the admin manager for Range brothers coal suppliers and worked from a shed in the depot.
How about "Google Friday"?
Gosh, a lot of us seem to have lived nearby, including me in 1979. We were told that the area was 'up and coming', but it's taken 40-odd years and we didn't wait.

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