please empty your brain below

Better than the original Wordle which baffles UK players with its American spelling.
I can't find any reason it couldn't be <snip> so I'll take a punt and put that forward as my guess
There might be a bit of a race to get the answer…
You would have to be an ass not to get this.
Try ABSURDLE, an adversarial wordle
Clear rip off of Lingo, the daytime game show with Adil Ray. Or vice versa.
Looking forward to playing! Now need to swot up on my tube stations.
My great-grandfather's uncle was knighted by Queen Victoria on the platform at this answer. I tell this anecdote anytime the station comes up in conversation - which is not often!
Dang - how could I be so silly and click the link....AGAIN!
TomH - I take my (American bowler) hat off to him!
I've decided I won't be very good at this, having failed to get ANGEL when I already had the AN and E in the right places, and by having never heard of UPNEY and remaining unconvinced it was an actual station until I Googled it!!

I did however get the main line station!
There is a closed station with the relevant matching letters, but its further north, although it was operated by London Midland Region of British Rail when it shut.
Do me a 'favor' I thought.
Heads to Google: blimey it's real!
This is basically Mastermind with letters replacing coloures pegs, and with fewer chances, isn't it?
Bravo DG, bravo.
I went a-Googling for 'errby station'. I think I'm a bit slow today.
As today's real Wordle could be said to have a Barking connection, I endorse the selection of Upney.
I think Patrickov is thinking of this which even predates Adil Ray's Lingo
Oops. My initial run of seven was severed yesterday as I had a very busy day and was also one of those rare days when I didn't read your blog.

However, the previous day's answer was an American spelling, thereby it immediately nullified my new found addiction. Thank goodness. Also, today's answer leaves one with a bitter taste in one's mouth.

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