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That final table rather explains why summer terrestrial TV is generally rubbish (other than sport) and why all the big programmes return in the autumn when the nation needs "cheering up"!
Spring is my favourite and I hate autumn; especially November.

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I love the differing qualities of all the seasons when I'm in them, except perhaps winter, though the wintry sunsets can be stunning.
But summer is definitely my favourite. My energy levels rise with the sap and increasing daylight. I have really been missing making the most of the weather this year!
My favourite sort of DG post. Excellent, thanks.
And Happy Solstice.
Spring is my favorite time of year despite the fact that it is also when I get hay fever from tree blossoms.
For me Spring starts in January and ends in April, Summer is May to August, and September to October is Autumn and November to December Winter.

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