please empty your brain below

This has been on my list to go and see one pf the rare days when I am in the London office at Aldgate East, but I always seem to wind up going out to lunch with co-workers instead. I shall have to make a better effort next time I am there to set aside 30 minutes for this visit.
Another superlative blogpost after yesterday’s work of art, but should we be asking if the City of Ldn is feeling OK?
Agree with all your assessment: and the cafe is surprisingly good, really friendly service; it brought me back for a second visit to the Wall.
When I went I duly put my bag in the locker as requested. Once I had finished the exhibition I then went back through to collect my bag and walked through the exhibition again with my bag to the exit. An obvious flaw in the one way in and out procedure.
Went last Saturday, taking 5 friends touring the London Wall (having only discovered this site earlier in the month) to be told by the receptionist we were the first visitors of the day. It was 4:30 in the afternoon.
Well worth a visit
This booking in advance charade, and excessive demand for people to scan their phone and register just to visit a free museum is really irritating, when the original justification for such measures was 4 years ago, 3 at most.

Especially when so many places seem to work fine using the old fashioned approach of just letting people walk in off the street as they please.
I was sort of okay with the booking-is-ssential thing, on the basis that it seems you can still turn up on spec anyway, except that with 6 hours of opening hours still to go, it won't let you book for today. It might be fully booked (unlikely, but possible I suppose) or closed for an event, but it doesn't tell you so I suspect it's just be a bit rubbish. Whatever, it means someone making an on-the-day decision to visit can't even book to be sure of getting in.
Very glad that private developers seem to be under the obligation (?) to take care of whatever they end up digging up of value!

Absolutely hate the pre-booking slots too. The worst must be at Winter Wonderland where you book your entrance slot (okay fair enough) but also for each ride separately???
Ooh, thanks. I didn't know about this one!
Thank you for a mostly positive review. I went there shortly before leaving the UK in Sept 23 so this must have been shortly after it opened and was impressed too. It's off the beaten path hence not many tourists or visitors I believe. The area around is interesting of course but you have to know where to look. I like it quiet so hopefully your post won't get viral, sorry. Thanks again.
My friend and I went there in October last year. Our visit was in the early afternoon (about 2pm).

I don't recall making a booking but, like you and other commenters, we were almost alone and two of the very few visitors so far that day.

It was very interesting; the most incongruous exhibit being a "statue" of Morph dressed as Maximus Morpheus Londinium!
Your blog must have an impact, because when I went today they’d removed the one-way system so you entered and exited through the same door, and four other people were visiting, including a small boy obviously mesmerised by Roman things. I think these things need to get into tourist guides before they get lots of visitors - 120 Fenchurch Street used to be pretty deserted when it first opened, but now there are long queues. But anyway, thanks for drawing this to my attention.
My favourite bit was learning that forks were considered immoral.

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