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How is the area of the Olympic Park defined? Does it include all those bits of the park which have now been redeveloped and built on?

dg writes: It's the acreage the QEOP website says it is.
Richmond having an embarrassment of riches in the park department.
If Scadbury Park is 300 acres, it should be number 10 in the Top 10.

dg writes: fixed, thanks.
I can see subjective definitions getting lots of people saying I would have done it this way…. So I’ll add my thoughts: I’d differentiate between parkland (Richmond Park, Hampstead Heath) and park (QEOP, Forty Hall Park)
I see two further country parks nearly touching Bedfords. It struck me that 'Country Parks' falls into the category of things that have snuck up and caught me unawares over the years, like shower gel and picking up dog poop. But Mr Wiki tells me that most were designated in the 1970s, so in this case perhaps I simply haven't paying attention.
Like David, I'd question your definition and say a 'park' has to have a continuous wall or barrier, with gates. So Old Deer Park would fail (seeing as one side is a road), but Kew Gardens would be included at 300 acres.
"Confidence is a preference for the habitual voyeur of what is known as Parklife"
Although dogs occasionally impact your confidence, it would hard to deny that habitual voyeurism informs your blog.
I think one could argue that Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens should be considered as one as they are contiguous and you can wander from one to the other at either end of the Serpentine. In which case they would be promoted to position no 4.
One could argue that, but The Royal Parks Limited (and most pedants) insist they’re two parks.
I’ve never been to Hampstead Heath but always assumed it was a park.
To me Old Deer Park is more a series of recreation grounds and sports facilities, rather than a Park in the conventional sense. There's a big golf course and I've watched a T20 cricket match there (and narrowly avoided being hit by an Eoin Morgan six!). Indeed Kew Gardens is probably more of a park?

Far more of Trent Park has general public access, so I think that counts, though if Trent Park is a park, Hampstead Heath should also be!
The Valuation Office Agency of government has some advice on how it defines parks for rating purposes here.
I would exclude 'parks' such as Kew Gardens which require a fee to enter.
How do Victoria Park and Valentine's Park rank, or where can that be found?

dg writes: a) see last paragraph b) Google

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