please empty your brain below

Today’s post is pure gold. Have never watched BB and now know enough not to sound like the old fogey I am. Thank you!.
Never watched the program which I regard as rubbish
Stumbled upon the launch episode on completion of streaming another programme. It took all of 2 minutes to confirm I'd not be watching it - maintaing my 100% record of avoidance.
In my view Channel 4/Endemol interfered too much and ruined the show, adding more weeks and more contestants, resulting in the need for 'stuff to happen' to fill airtime.

I stopped watching after series 7 (now 93 days), this looked like being a classic with a 'baddie' the audience knew about (Imogen?) but the housemates didn't, then Suzie got in via the Golden Ticket and nominated her and Nikki for eviction and destroyed the show. This was also the series where they reinstated a housemate, damaging the relationship with the audience.
I was down here for the filming of the launch on Saturday! Iris 1 contains the production facilities and the Late&Live set, Iris 2/3 contains the main house itself.
Cheers Felix!
Iris 2/3 is on the left in my first photo and on the right in my second.
John, how can you pronounce that something's rubbish, if you've never seen it? I mean it is rubbish (I saw it early on), but still...
Dull location, but hidden away. London and the home counties have an amazing number of new TV and film studios now, tucked away in obscure places when compared to iconic locations like the LWT building, as detailed on the excellent website you linked to.
I'm with John and Frank F: I have better things to do than watch such unedifying stuff.
Burying the site of the first house under a massive pile of spoil like some media Chernobyl seems like an entirely sensible precaution.
No real idea what BB is, but found plenty to entertain me with your various cross references. Still recovering from the post about your TV! Had all my maps and guides at the ready...
I have memories of waiting in the Tesco Estree car park for a couple of hours while my wife was finishing some work she was doing for the show one year.

(I potentially might have had a look-in, but couldn't get the required time off from my day job).
Never seen it either, but being out of the country for almost the entirety of Houses 1 & 2 certainly helped!
It's all part of the Cultural Coma that means I've never watched Strictly, I'm a Celebrity and all the rest too. Ant & Dec, who???!!
Little-known fact:

Peter Bazalgette, purveyor of this televisual effluent is the great-great-grandson of Victorian civil engineer Sir Joseph Bazalgette who designed and engineered London's sewer system.
…although that was the main fact in my first Big Brother post in June 2003.
"I'd been inside both of the previous Big Brother houses"

When did you get to go inside the first one? I couldn't see that from your previous report.
Your little known fact reminds me that Sir Joseph Bazalgette was responsible for removing sh1t from peoples homes, Peter Bazalgette is responsible for pumping it back in.
My sister used to work in Elstree and bought lunch from the Tesco near to the set quite often. She said when BB was on, the car park would quite often have a few journalists in shouting questions into the garden. She also saw them write messages on tennis balls and try to launch them over the fence. I watched the first few series but quickly lost interest. I'm amazed ITV thought it was a good idea to bring it back...
I can't really believe the programme has been spun out this long. The second series was the best in my book - the final with Brian and Helen could hardly be surpassed. After that, things began slipping; with far too many wearisome gimmicks.
Never watched BB but (a) my former company once held a Christmas shindig at Three Mills studios and (b) I was once driven home from Heathrow by a limo driver who told me his previous trip had been taking Jade Goody's parents home from the Elstree location. Apparently they were a bit....difficult.
Aha, Roger's been past along the canal and taken four close-up photos showing what I didn't quite see.
I was waiting at a bus stop on Acton Lane this evening, and wondering why several teenage girls were walking down this industrial estate road past the McVities factory. Then I looked on Google Maps and saw the Big Brother House...

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