please empty your brain below

At least on YouTube the likes & comments are deemed to influence the algorithm, thus boosting the likelihood of the video being recommended.

I don't bother with any of that on social media, this is the only place where I'll leave a comment, if it got replaced with 'likes/hearts/thumbs' then I wouldn't bother, as I feel its more of a commodified gesture.
Serial liker here
Always here, never on Twitter. Like (that goes for cats of any colour, the Underground, London related posts and the occasional surprise).
I like on Twitter if your blog interests me, is funny or thought-provoking. In other words, most days.

dg writes: You're my most-serial liker, Toni, thanks! But it's still not quite 'most' days :)
There are also those of us who "consume" via aggregator-style things and aren't sure if it's is even possible to do likes via these.

Safe to say that I very much "like" and enjoy each day, even if my engagement via comments is rare.

Many thanks for all your efforts.
If I'd known you were looking at the likes garnered by the tweets I would have liked it more often. I assumed that it was fully automated and not sentient enough to appreciate them.

Often I like a post but have nothing constructive to add in the comments, so my liking goes unmeasured.

I would class myself as mostly a rare liker who only likes when something passes that threshold, or when I am trying to help get exposure by influencing the algorithms
Like! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
YT seems unique in that it has a "dislike" button and it doesn't devolve into a dumpster fire at every opportunity. Perhaps because it's not primarily a forum for conversation.

Every forum I've been on that has negative post reactions ends up with threads where people get in each other's faces about it. And when I say "dislike" I mean an -1 or whatever as well. Sad and angry reactions seem to get by just fine (these can be positive reactions, depending on the post), it's just the "do not like" button that generates friction.
Would visiting your blog roughly once a week, count as being a regular? And I've never visited you on any other platform. I like that I know that whenever I visit, there will always be something new to read.
PS I know that Mornington Road cat!
var randno = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15); document.write(randno );

FAKE! Used Twitter instead to like.
Love the static 13 likes at the foot of this post <3

If I feel strongly about a post, I'll comment. But frequently I would like to give a 'like' to another comment... but alas, we exist in this like-free DG universe.

BTW, I have never figured out how the 'link to this comment' # works. Nope, I've not googled it, rather cilcked occasionally and found it to do... nothing? Or am I wrong?
I read your blog daily, and sometimes comment. I didn't know you are on are on twitter.

Although I am on Twitter I don't think I have ever liked anything (until this morning) which probably just goes to show what a social media dinosaur I am. I sometimes comment but mostly I just go for silent appreciation.
If likeing means to appreciate and enjoy, then I like nearly all DG blogs. I can’t get on with Twitter. Cats are OK, at a distance, but the way today’s account presents them is brilliant, so thanks for this too.
The best feedback I can give is that your blog is engaging enough to warrant a place in my top 9 links on my google home page, you're currently #7 after Gmail, Guardian, BBC, Facebook, Twitter, Bank - so basically a daily essential.

If not sufficient, please consider this post liked and subscribed.
I wonder if I was the only one who read 'serial likers' as 'serial killers'. Even despite the context of the post it still took me 3 goes to read it correctly!

Oh, also +1 Like
Kind of like "like," like you know what I mean, like?
A daily reader here, so that's "like" by default isn't it?

But my comments are fewer and far between, only if I feel I have something worth adding, such as that I'm not sure if cat no. 2's tail is dangling into Leytonstone - it appears to be wrapped around its feet.
I thought I followed you on Twitter but clearly I didn’t. Now watch for those likes incoming!
A word to those who've kindly just followed me on Twitter...

...don't like everything, it's meaningless :)

I wish I liked Facebook. But I can't handle its skittishness, nor its scope for mutual misunderstanding.

I haven’t tried Twitter, fearing it would be similar or worse.
Tried your twitter link and tried to like it but was told to 'sign up'. Won't do that.
I disagree with the 'alas' in 'Alas Blogger doesn't do likes'. It would just be one more thing for me to obsess about. I think it's quite nice to have a medium which actually has to be engaged with in the form of a comment or a link, rather than a glib and easy click.
In the 'old days' when you engaged with someone you either got instant feedback, because you were talking to them, or delayed feedback because they and their friends were buying copies of something you'd 'published'.

I read you blog (almost) every day and enjoy the vast majority. I'll sometimes comment if I have something to say, but generally don't want to clog up your comments box with trivia. I hope the fact that I come most days is enough encouragement for you to keep going!
I agree with Sarah.
I'm only on facebook and a bit of a serial liker there which I generally use to show agreement or that I've seen the post, but it is just an easy cop-out from actually having to think about forming a response.

I think the fact that DG has (however many) returning daily readers shows that we like his blog, whether or not we leave a comment.
I'd love to be able to comment with something constructive, but 95% of the time I just can't, either not knowing enough about the subject matter, or having a similar opinion to you or one of the commenters.

Either that or I'm reading really old posts, and feel weird commenting on something from 2009 (I have two tabs open, one to the home page, and one from the end of 2009, reading backwards through time when having lunch if I've already read your latest posts in the morning).

Add that to using social media very minimally, this leaves me feeling like I've no real way to say I appreciate your posts.

To make up for that: I appreciate your posts.

Consider this post liked.
I've never followed your Twitter account, as there didn't seem much point, seeing that I read your page every day anyway!
I'm another who is delighted that we cannot see likes on your blog. I read each post and almost always enjoy it all. Often for the content, sometimes for the style, and quite a lot because I find everything reassuring and vaguely nostalgic. I almost always look at the comments too. These at least require people to have formed some kind of meaningful opinion, or at least engagement, before writing rather than just clicking a button.

Particularly liked Monday's tube map post. Otherwise thank you for continuing to bring items of interest to my attention, and for providing ideas for things to do or see on my trips to the smoke. Keep up the good work!
I read you with breakfast every morning. For me, twitter mostly just confirms that you have a new post. "Liking" seems superfluous. I do like seeing new photos on your twitter feed, though I have never thought of "liking" them.
It's worth saying that I don't 'like' stuff very often, so if you don't either that's fine by me.
As an old-timer I don't use Twitter or Youtube etc - indeed I don't know how to - but I read dg every day because I generally like what you say.
A post with cats in. Of course I like it!
A regular reader, an unregular commenter who ❤️ the vast majority of your posts. So thank you

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