please empty your brain below

My first thought is that 'ephemeral' is right, given that it probably won't last more than a few years.
It's good to learn that the 'forest' is in four dimensional space (85 by 25 square-metres).
When PR people write this guff who do they think their audience is? Most planners would roar with laughter at reading this.
Four of the quotes are from the planning application. Two are from an interview with the planners.
I can't help but associate masturbation with the writing of such puff pieces about new developments.
"Only the ephemeral is of lasting value." Eugene Ionesco
Struggling to understand in what capacity "integrity" has to do with "Spacehub’s work at Mill Harbour demonstrates this seamless capacity for ingenuity and integrity"

Written by marketing muppets with no understanding of the english language, or maybe Andrew is correct, and they were otherwise distracted while they wrote it.
'Money doesn't talk, it swears' .......
Today's post made me chuckle, it feels particularly sassy
"...the pioneer stage that begun it"
makes me scream.

oh, how much I crave to forest bathe daily
Incongruous, vacuous, meaningless, maddening; nonetheless a better attempt at landscaping than the vast majority of developments in Inner London in recent years.
How does their definition of forest sizing change your 'where are the woodlands in each London borough' post?
Setting aside all the marketing guff, I do like what they've done though. Much better than the bland paving with a few planters the developers did where I live
Alders are water-loving trees usually found on non-ephemeral river banks. I doubt they'll be impressed by this.
Alas, I couldn’t get beyond misreading
“ Alas they couldn't quite get rid of the blandly hollow estate agent-speak‘ as “ Alas they couldn't quite get rid of the *bloody* hollow estate agent-speak”
A better attempt at landscaping than most so kudos for that. But the same old PR drivel!
good place for dogging
On a more positive note, just before lockdown there were reports in my local paper that a new development in Higham Hill (basically North West Walthamstow) is to include a water feature in the form of the unburied long-lost Higham Brook.

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