please empty your brain below

Travelled on the Victoria line, London Overground and a number 11 bus yesterday for the first time in a long time.

There was a discernible pattern to the wearing (or not) of face masks, which remain obligatory on all those services. Many of those not wearing were making a point of behaving with (very loud) bravado. It was just as in my youth; those offending stared down those offended and a dull stand-off ensued.

This, I believe, Boris considers behaving responsibly.
I despair.
Agree with Brian - yesterday and previous days saw a massive rise in non-masking on buses and Underground. I've just been allowed out again after a major operation, so I'm being double careful but social distancing was impossible on the rammed (all five cars) of the disrupted North London Line yesterday, and the pressured bus routes doing relief work between Highbury & Stratford. There is no effective enforcement - non-compliance has become too great to manage.

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