please empty your brain below

December 13th should also be a day of celebration: after that the evenings grow longer. Sure, days get shorter till the 22nd, sunrise gets later till the 31st, but it's the first of the positives for diurnally-challenged optimism-seeking types.

That's very interesting Gordon. I had not noticed the significance of December 13th before.
I look forward to December 21st passing and for us in the Northern Hemisphere the daylight hours getting longer.

Definitely noticeably light earlier and dark later already.

Or as my friend's gran used to say each day is a cock crow longer

I blogged about mid-December's earliest sunset three years ago, should you fancy a more detailed exposé of midwinter daylight.

Thanks dg, didn't realise was reinventing the wheel, AND you indexed it so have no excuse at all.

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