please empty your brain below

call me shallow but it sounds like a nice freebie.

I'm sure I've asked this before in the comments but is there anything stopping you going to these things if there is something you really like the look of and then just not blog about it? If you haven't taken up any of these invites you might not know the answer to this but do they get you to sign something that says that you agree to write about it on your blog?

Have you ever attended one of these functions, and it soured you towards them (after all they are free)? Wouldn't it be worthwhile attending a few so you can blog about them with an unbiased approach.

I went. I love these excuses to poke around London hotels and learn about how they work. Not a great deal worthy of writing about though, unfortunately.

they won't contact you again. until that is, Georgia is replaced by some other vacuous PR moron, and they decide to get in touch with you and you have to explain to a new person all over again.

An invitation to one of London's leading Hotels or an invitation to London's worst petting zoo?

"including, I hear, demonstrating how to get prime cuts from a whole lamb!"

"as well as our new Summer Cockatil menu"

The "I don't eat parrot" bit brightened my morning.

If you were invited to something like a visit to a Crossrail site or DLR would you also decline those visits? Strikes me that you would find that sort of thing much more agreeable and less "commercially pressured" or is editorial independence and choice the overriding concern?

DG has been on some of the olympic blogger events as we know, so obviously a well-targeted invite to something relevant hits the target. I think that's absolutely fair enough because he then writes about it with a clear eye and it's completely on-topic. Frankly, I wouldn't begrudge him the champagne evenings either as long as he doesn't clutter up his excellent blog with vacuous puff pieces about them.

So this is why you refuse to be pigeonholed, then... "Travel, Lifestyle and Food & Drink" indeed!

At least it sounds as if someone, somewhere, once read your blog, rather than reading a spambot's list of addresses scraped from a particular category of an anonymous aggregation site.

I still say that one of these days you ought to accept one of the more vacuous invitations, attend the event, and then very loudly and publicly badmouth the whole thing and everything about it on here. That'd put them off!

Some of the stuff you have shown us from PR companies is just utter rubbish. But to Georgia's credit her letter was polite and wellish informed, and the event sounded sensibly targetted as a way of generating publicity.

I respect your aversion to this type of PR, but also respect those who at least make an effort rather than sending out what is little more than spam.

I had couple of e-mails inviting me to a bloggers' tour of Kew Gardens - that'll be one to watch out for...

"But to Georgia's credit her letter was polite and wellish informed, and the event sounded sensibly targetted as a way of generating publicity."

Not realy well targeted, given that there are a number of posts on the blog asking PR people not to send off-target emails, and this is really designed to promote a hotel.

"Travel" may be part of the event but they mean holiday travel and not the travel Diamond Geezer writes about.

Also, Diamond Geezer does say "She's charmingly polite, Georgia. Just wholly mistargeted."

An evening of champagne and learning how to carve up a lamb. Sounds like an interesting couple of hours.

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