please empty your brain below

I'm in London all day Friday, and was wondering what to do with myself. This has just shot to the top of the list, so thanks for the review...

Gormley is a one trick pony. Although his body of work includes thing that are not his / a body, those items are not well known. I am of the opinion that he should stop putting names to his pieces and just call them "variation on a theme".

Did you see the programme a couple of weeks ago on this? Fascinating stuff it was.

A couple of weeks? Damn.
My iPlayer only lets me go back seven days...

The thing I found most disconcerting about being in the cloud was hearing other people talking to each other, but realising that you have no idea how far away the voice is. I think you lose all perception of scale - I really couldn't work out how far away the door or any walls would be. It really successfully focuses your mind onto your immediate area - your body and a little bit, instead of being a person in any context.

bloody hell, i sound like one of those little cardboard cards next to a painting...

The best response I though was from the young boy who said it's like being in heaven.

Clever and thoroughly engaging variations on a theme (which was the point of the exhibition) - what's wrong with that? SH could as well complain that Van Dyck or Francis Bacon did portraits.

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