please empty your brain below |
I won't be confirming anything.
Please don't offer advice based on assumptions. You're on safer ground talking about yourself. I'm fine, thanks. |
Now in my mid 70's so plenty of niggles
I think lock down and Covid concerns has also given some people the time and inclination to check their body for anything usual. That said I have a Dr. telephone consultation this morning about my latest annual blood test so a bit more to get niggled about |
I went to the doctors the other day, he said "you've got hypochondria", I replied "oh no, not that as well".
I'm glad that when appropriate you consult a professional, many people do not and allow small conditions to escalate.
I've been fortunate to go a decade at a time between GP visits at some points of my life, but my most recent visit to discuss niggle α was very insightful even without a clear diagnosis. |
Your tracking and note-taking result in a narrative for professionals that is invaluable for them in diagnosing and treating/reassuring appropriately. Well done and keep up the good work!
During lockdown, I had a series of niggles of the sort that if ignored got better in two weeks and if I took something for them got better in all of 14 days. Then I took part in a Covid vaccine trial and developed symptoms which turned out not to be Covid but quite unrelated to the trial and took a month of antibiotics to conquer. It also knocked off several kilos of weight. Only older and no wiser, I'm back to the two-week niggles and glad of it. |
I have now reached the milestone of my first indefinitely repeated prescription - eye drops for possible glaucoma. This is generally age related. Sounds like you are not yet at that stage with anything.
From the age of nine our hearing deteriorates. From the age of 26 we gradually lose our muscle strength and general fitness. You (and most of the rest of us) are still on the very gentle slope that eventually steepens and ultimately leads to death. The real problem is deciding what is a niggle not worth worrying about, what isn't vital but can be fixed if necessary and what really needs talking over with your GP - and how to actually get an appointment of any sort. |
Back in March, my doctor asked me to take some blood tests for a potential niggle. Because they don’t want you to come into the surgery, he’s tried to call me three times to discuss it, and I’ve missed the call each time. You can’t ring back - the number is withheld - so you need to go back online to ask for another call.
I’m not great at realising my phone’s ringing (although I missed one call because I was in the loo, and another because I was asleep), so I’ve put in a plea for them to send me an email setting up the call, but heck knows whether they will. So I don’t know whether I’ve got a serious niggle or not... |
Seen the last lockdown easing I’ve been able to go and do [exercise A] which has reduced my niggles no end.
I’m of the firm belief that good sleep relieves most niggles, and any niggles causing bad sleep must be taken very seriously to avoid a niggle cascade. |
Don't worry young man. Think of yourself as a classic car. As you get older little things go wrong but can be replaced. Other problems arise but you learn how to cope with them. Occasionally there is the need for a major overhaul but there are experts who can do that for you. Keep yourself well maintained and people will look from afar and admire all your sparkle and polish. And your value should increase as you get older.
Turn on Daytime TV until you find a Funeral Plan/Life Insurance advert. As Del Boy said "you know it makes sense"
I detect (an understandably) marginally lower level of detail than is customary in your posts. In other news...just wait til you're my age and you'll be able to post a veritable nigglefest on your Blog..
This reads like a clear case of niggleitis, young man. Don't worry,you'll grow out of it. 😉
Just had my GP call, blood OK, wow one niggle less
Gosh that's a lot of niggles.. I (same age) am NOT going to start counting mine lest I discover that they are at a comparable level.
At the moment I'm not someone who needs any permanent prescriptions for anything, nor had any significant deterioration that requires corrective action - but I'm aware that the number of years that this continues to be the case is clearly limited.
Unless your death was the result of an accident, you don't die from healthiness, my only wish is that I get niggles as opposed to something that significantly impacts the quality of life, followed by prolonged deterioration, loss of independence and regular hospitalisation. |
I was surprised when I shifted to a much lower stress job and found many of my niggles shifted back to where they were 4-5 years before. Not gone, but certainly regressed a bit. It does mean I'm getting a good, long life out of this particular eyeglass prescription (my first). The only one that didn't is the dreaded middle-aged man dribble. (TMI, sorry, and where does it come from?)
That said, it's been a few years now and things are getting back to where they were in the first place, plus picking up some new ones. |
I am 76 years old this year, except for slightly thinning hair, needing glasses to read, and legs that cannot do what they did 25 years ago I am fine.
If I wake up and, I'm not dead, I count that as a win. |
It can be hard to tell whether a niggle has got better or whether I've just got used to it.
Generally I avoid going to the doctor's unless absolutely necessary, but I have been to see specialists about a couple of niggles in the last few years - in one case they cured it and in the other they assured me that while uncurable it was nothing to worry about. |
It's all the niggles that confirm you're still in the game! But a 25 year old me would have no understanding of the volume of niggles that invade and impede the middle years.
Oh, this is cruel! You've now got me trying to work out what the niggles are. Glad none seems serious though.
A year or so older than you, I can only come up with a handful of such niggles. I'm either very lucky or very unaware of my own body. |
are you still allowed to call them niggles? seems a bit niggardly to me.
No niggles, although I am on a prescription for a minor condition revealed by a routine health check 10 years ago. I am however aware that I am no within six years of the ages at which my mother and both grandfathers died. Nowadays there are routine checks for the conditions that took two of them, but no medication can prevent you being knocked off your bike.
The obituary of Michael Collins in today's paper prompted me to look at the life expectancy of the Apollo astronauts. Ten of the 24 who went to the Moon are still alive, aged between 85 and 93. Of the twelve who actually walked on the Moon, four are still with us. |
I suffered from major health anxiety from my early teens onwards - in large part due to a very unpleasant family GP who put the fear of god into me. I've been better more recently, after therapy and support - but realise that ironically, middle age is exactly the wrong time to stop worrying about my wellbeing!
The format of this post has given me immense pleasure; a tingle of delight at a genuine novelty. Many years ago I used to have regular access to a glossy medical periodical, the highlight of which was a Spot-The-Disease competition. Each month they printed a revolting full colour picture of a festering body part, and invited readers to diagnose the condition. What fun!
Grant me the serenity to accept the niggles I can’t change, the courage to get treatment for the niggles if possible, and the wisdom to know the difference.
With apologies to Reinhold Niebuhr. |
I’m quite a bit older than you (80 next month) which means now my niggles can have their own niggles, (including side effects of medicine) but I’m just concentrating on the ones that give me real problems.
It seems to me that your biggest health problem is the regular daily eye-rolling that you are forced to undergo every time some of us type something that we're completely wrong about.
This seems like a lot of niggles for someone of your age, but I am assuming/hoping that some of these are just normal bodily degradation. For example, I've always been short-sighted needing glasses for distance vision, but now I need glasses for close up work as well, but this is very normal and I wouldn't necessarily consider it a niggle. On the other hand, I have a ongoing stomach problem and the only medication that works was discontinued last year, so that is a serious niggle.
This post did make me think about my own niggles, and I make my count as 7 which either need regular monitoring or will soon need further investigation, along with 5 which are just growing old. Very surprised the numbers were that high, so thanks for that insight! |
I developed one particular niggle last summer.
It is such a minor niggle in such a minor body part it seemed ridiculous to warrant a visit to the Dr in the middle of a pandemic, even though a simple injection should completely clear it. It is very niggling in the meantime though! |
That got me wondering if other languages have a direct translation of niggle. Many do. Here's a selection:
The Spanish have 'queja', Albanians have 'cuditem', Croations manage with 'stekat' whilst in Japan it's 'niguru', although clearly that's not how Japanese spell it. I rather liked the Zulu 'gigitheka', but it was the German 'wakelm' that seemed most appropriate. I claim no responsibility for the accuracy of any of this, and will point the finger of blame at Google Translate if challenged. Accents and other marks have been ignored. But it was a few minutes of unexpected discovery. |
It niggles me that you have so many niggles.
You may be as fit as a butcher's dog but it might be prudent to do some succession planning.
The problem with finding niggles in a pandemic is that you aren't encouraged to go to the doctor to discuss them and get some resolution.
So far, I have nearly always felt in good health (apart from niggles). There was one brief period when I thought I had only a few months to live. That did make me look at lots of things differently.
I hope none of the niggles are causing an issue with the mystery count.
I've read "niggle" too often and it's starting to look decidedly wrong. Both in terms of spelling, and in terms of a vague similarity to a rather more objectionable word with horrible historical connotations.
...says a commenter whose name is two words for urine run together.
Aww 'popartist' that's a nice thought and comment.
As you know professor, men do tend to ignore things... I had some blood in my urine so I phoned 111. "How long have you had this?" I thought bit didn't say "look, I'm peeing blood, 10 minutes, how long do you think?"
Whilst having some tests etc. I had lots of people solemnly say I should come in if it happened again |
I had a tiny fracture in my foot a couple of years ago, ironically sustained outside my doctors, and it was a little bit sobering to think "you've got that twinge for life now".
I used to think it was an old myth but I can now detect approaching wet weather more reliably than any weather forecast. |
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