please empty your brain below

DG this must be so depressing for you seeing so much of your hard work disappearing from sight. But please don't think that we don't care because I certainly do and I am sure many others do to.

It certainly sounds as if it is the end of the road with Blogger.

Good luck with it all - there are lots of us out there cheering you on!

I didn't actually see any difference between this layout and the one you tried with New Blogger. Just saying.

DG. You'll get there in the end, it all brings back memories of June 2003. you got round that one and I hope you'll get round this. we can then go on enjoying reading a very worthwhile London based blog.

This blog is like an episode of Grumpy old men,DG you are getting to sound like Victor Meldrew. It's just a sign that you are getting old.

I hope a little sunshine will spur you on. I can quite understand your dispirited feelings. I tired of trying to keep up with forced technical/software changes years ago. It doesn't stop them happening though.

Cheer up dj, You have just had a break from work. That must have been nice. How was Camber Sands? Let's hope we read about you visit soon.
As for B's comment above re forced technical changes, in 2015 we shall soon all be forced by the government to use some form of digital radio as many analogue radio services will close then. Yet the FM and AM service has worked and still works fine. Millions of radios will be sent to the scrap heap.
Video Betamax-VHS-DVD-Blue Ray
Film camera-digital camera
Filament lamps-Low energy fluorescent
Petrol/Diesel cars- electric cars
Single screen cinemas-Multiplex
35mm film projection-Digital projection
Dial Modem-ADSL
on and on and on...changes
So cheer up dj, your past work is still there, your readers are still here, and I'm sure you will find a solution.

I first started using Blogger after the Layout templates were available, so for a while, I had no idea about the difference between Classic and Layout templates. I still have a couple of my own archives over at Blogger, so when you mentioned the link to the Classic template, I switched one of them into Classic for a bit of a faff, as they say. While I'm not dense (because I faff around with code a fair bit) I finally understood why the Auto-Pagination thing is getting your goat. There was one thing getting my goat, and that was individual posts not having their own pages, which in Classic can be switched by selecting Settings/Archiving/ and Yes for Enable Post Pages (as it happens, there have been times I've wanted to link to one of your posts in particular, and I currently can't, because you don't have this feature enabled).

dg writes: You can link to any post by right-clicking on the timestamp at the bottom. I did try enabling Post Pages, but the timestamp link didn't change, so I switched back.

I also read your blog in Google Reader, but that's only possible because I "follow" your blog anyway, and Reader adds all blogs I follow to the RSS list - however, I and possibly others would be appreciative if you could also go to Settings/Site Feed/Allow Blog Feeds and set it to Full (did you know you have 114 readers via RSS?) As I've mentioned before, I love your blog, and having these two things enabled wouldn't change anything cosmetically, but they'd make it a damn sight easier to link and keep up with your writing.
dg writes: The Site Feed setting is already set to Full, and has been for years. Honest.

It's probably impossible Josie to tell how many readers are using RSS feeds. I think each client only shows how many are subscribed using that particular route. Bloglines shows currently 242 readers, and there's an awful lot of RSS aggregators out there.

and then...Google reader claims 394 subscribers....

I had noticed the older posts was working yesterday, but didn't bother to comment. I'm glad there is that option now, as when I'm on holiday, for example, I won't have to worry about checking in every day, but can catch up weekly without fear of missing anything.

I think the monthly archive works equally well. If I know roughly when in the month I want to look something up, eg past Birthday Bus journeys, I can still get there easily enough. If I don't, well it's no hassle to scan down though I tend to get distracted by rereading past gems that catch my eye!!

okay - thanks for the clarification, and apologies where due. I had thought it was switched off because the orange & white logo doesn't appear in the browser address bar. I have some learning to do about RSS and will go and brush up :-)

Yes you grumpy. Yes it's a little tiresome. And all you've done is postpone the day (yet again) when you'll really have to do something about it.

You're complaining about a service which you don't pay for, and - as always - you ultimately only ever get what you pay for in this world.

If only you didn't "hate change" so much...

Get your own domain and use it as your Blogger URL. Your current Blogger URL will remain active as a redirect. After six months or a year or so move over to WordPress and take the custom URL with you. That way you will make the switch and have some time to transition over, getting folk used to your new URL.

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